Third Quarter GDP Growth Clocks In At 2.0%

Another mostly disappointing report on the state of the economy.

Most Random Constitutional Amendment Ever?

Congressman Steve Israel has proposed an amendment to the Constitution to award 29 bonus electoral votes to the popular vote winner.

Rasmussen’s 2012 Polling Has Had A Republican Bias All Year

As in 2010, Scott Rasmussen’s polling in 2012 has shown a distinct bias in favor of Republicans.

OTB Caption Contest

Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

The Never Ending War On Terror

If you thought the War On Terror might be over, think again.

Foreign Policy Debate Substantive Analysis: Defense Planning

One of the few areas of disagreement was how big our military should be.

Barack Obama’s College Transcripts

Donald Trump has yet again duped the media into giving him attention by hyping a “bombshell” that turned out to be a nothing-burger.

Foreign Policy Debate Substantive Analysis: Middle East

First in a series of posts looking at the substance of the final presidential debate, ostensibly about foreign policy.

There’s No Good Reason To Get Rid Of The Electoral College

The arguments in favor of major changes in the way we elect our President are unpersuasive.

Obama Claims Sequestration Cuts “Won’t Happen”

President Obama seems to have given away the store when it comes to the defense sequestration cuts.

The Cult Of Barack Obama’s Presidency

Like the men who came before him, Barack Obama has vastly increased the powers of his office. Someone should have asked him about that last night.

Free Tuition?

Why is Romney bragging on education policies a Democrat would love?

Obama-Romney Foreign Policy Debate Reaction

President Obama was the pretty clear winner on substance. But Romney may well have done enough.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Gravity Sucks Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Do We Really Need A “Foreign Policy” Debate?

Does it make sense to divide the Presidential debates between “domestic policy” and “foreign policy?” Yes, and no.

Obama Meets With Liberal Journalists!

President Obama had some prominent liberal journalists over for coffee.

Previewing Tonight’s Foreign Policy Debate

The candidate’s meet for one last time tonight to talk about some of the most important issues in the world.

Purple Heart for Fort Hood Victims?

The Pentagon considers those killed by Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood three years ago victims of workplace violence, not terrorism.

Gender Gap: Gone Yet at Record High

A recent poll has Obama and Romney tied among women. Another gives Obama a 33 point edge.

OTB Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM