Coulter: “Al Gore Is A Total Fag” (Video)

It’s not what you probably are expecting it to be, but still:

To paraphrase Linda Richman, I’m a little verklempt, so talk amongst yourselves. I’ll give you a topic: Is Ann Coulter a serious conservative pundit or a stand-up comedian?


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Greg Tinti
About Greg Tinti
Greg started the blog The Political Pit Bull in August 2005. He was OTB's Breaking News Editor from June through August 2006 before deciding to return to his own blog. His blogging career eventually ended altogether. He has a B.A. in Anthropology from The George Washington University,


  1. Ann Coulter is as useless as tits on a bull to Republicans as Michael Moore is to Democrats.

  2. MT says:

    I have come to the defense of Ann on numerous occasions, and while I remain a HUGE fan of her books and columns I don’t think that she’s helpful in any way to the conservative movement… or any movement for those who are already on the liberal side of the scale. She makes fantastic points in her writing, she completely dismantles and exposes liberalism in a way that many moderate liberals would probably relate to…were it not for the name calling. That’s frustrating, especially if you’re concerned that we’re heading toward a Democrat Congress and in need of all the liberal converts we can get.

    I do love Ann though. She has to be getting a little punchy with everyone begging for the scandalous comments. DD pulled it out of here after a talk on the break, and Matthews clearly just wants more red meat too. To your question (finally), she’s always been part comedian, but she carries a big stick too. I suppose that’s an odd combination. She’s brutally amusing…and as right/true as any conservative out there.

  3. MT says:

    MD – you may be right about the tits on a bull comment, but it pisses me off when she’s compared to someone like Michael Moore. Name calling aside, the BS/truth factor is much different, no?

  4. As time goes on, I am becoming more and more convinced that Ann Coulter is either faxe or faking it.

  5. Anderson says:

    she completely dismantles and exposes liberalism in a way that many moderate liberals would probably relate to

    Probably not, or else they wouldn’t be liberals.

    Coulterism is a mystery to me, from the outside looking in. She’s a smart person, evidently (I assume no dummies clerk for U.S. circuit courts), but her contempt for truth is stunning (see Steve Verdon’s post on Coulter & evolution, & extrapolate from there), and even her one-liners aren’t good.

    I suppose that she is indeed an entertainer, and while conservative discourse pretty much dominates the news media, the entertainment industry remains liberal-tilted. So I guess y’all are glad to get what you can. But why settle?

  6. LJD says:

    while conservative discourse pretty much dominates the news media, the entertainment industry remains liberal-tilted

    I guess that means that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC news are all ‘entertainment’ rather than news media. That ought to make it much easier for me to watch.

  7. Timmer says:

    From the first time I heard Rush on the radio to Coulter, to Malkin, I’ve always wondered if hyper-conservatives were serious or just wondering how far they could push the envelope before folks finally got tired of them. What’s amazing to me is that it sells. Which in my mind, has always been the point to begin with.

    She’s good theater, you’ve got to give her that.

  8. Pete_Bondurant says:

    I agree with Coulter- Al Gore is a fag. Only fags use the word “snippy.”

  9. legion says:

    Coulter very clearly gets her rocks off by insulting & causing pain to others. I guess the kind of person each of us is drives our reaction to her from there…

  10. McGehee says:

    From the first time I heard Rush on the radio to Coulter, to Malkin, I�ve always wondered if hyper-conservatives were serious or just wondering how far they could push the envelope before folks finally got tired of them.

    Well, to keep people from getting tired of them, they only have to refrain from pushing the envelope farther than such hyper-leftists as Barbra Streisand, Cindy Sheehan and Howard Dean.

    It’s the same principle as making sure you never drive faster than the speed demon in the fire-engine red Corvette.

  11. McGehee says:

    Coulter very clearly gets her rocks off by insulting & causing pain to others.

    Strangely, the people she causes “pain” to, don’t seem to ever act like they even have a central nervous system — except when she spouts off about them.

  12. Kent G. Budge says:

    I vote entertainer.

    There’s the old story about two hikers who run into a hungry bear. The one hiker immediately starts swapping his boots for running shoes.

    “What good is that going to do you? You can’t outrun the bear!”

    “I don’t need to outrun the bear. I only need to outrun you.”

    This seems to be the Coulter mindset. As long as she is less batty than Moore et al., she figures she’s okay.

    I tired of her fairly quickly. I think you catch more Democrats with honey than vinegar.

    … Maybe I should start calling her “Vinegar Ann” from now on …

  13. Kathy K says:

    Nonsense. My mother uses the word “snippy” – and I assure you she isn’t a fag.

  14. floyd says:

    does anyone know a non-vindictive liberal? i have never met a liberal who cared about anyone’s pain but his own.

  15. mw says:

    Answer. She is a comedian/propogandist/entertainer that plays exclusively to her base by pulling on liberals tails and making them squeal for the entertainment of her audience. Just like Limbaugh, Franken, Olberman or “Baghdad Bob” – Remember him? Cracking wise on TV to his muslim audience – “Americans? What Americans? I don’t see any Americans” – as coalition troops are over-running the Baghdad airport on split screen. Same concept.

    Despite all the attention to her comments about Clinton and Gore, I thought her being called out by one of the scientists she cited to support her Godless “debunking” of global warning – (highlighted in my recent post “Anne Coulter’s War on Science”) is much more important. And neither Matthews or Deutsch could bother getting around to asking her about it. Too busyu beeing the staight man for her comedy schtick.

    One of Coulter’s Godless chapter titles is “The Left’s War on Science”. In that chapter she cites research from Peter Dolan as evidence of how the left distorts or ignores scientific research when promoting the problem of global warming.

    “About the same time, the journal Nature published the findings of scientist Peter Doran and his colleagues at the University of Illinois. Rather than using the UN’s “computer models”, the researchers took actual temperature readings. It turned out temperatures in the Antarctic have been getting slightly colder-not warmer- for the last thirty years.” – Ann Coulter – “Godless” pages 190-191

    Well, in the New York Times yesterday, Peter Doran makes it clear that it is actually Ann Coulter, who is incorrectly using and distorting his research in the service of her agenda.

    Cold, Hard Facts By Peter Doran
    Published: July 27, 2006
    “In the debate on global warming, the data on the climate of Antarctica has been distorted, at different times, by both sides. As a polar researcher caught in the middle, I’d like to set the record straight… Our results have been misused as “evidence” against global warming by Michael Crichton in his novel “State of Fear” and by Ann Coulter in her latest book, “Godless: The Church of Liberalism.” …Our study did find that 58 percent of Antarctica cooled from 1966 to 2000. But during that period, the rest of the continent was warming. And climate models created since our paper was published have suggested a link between the lack of significant warming in Antarctica and the ozone hole over that continent. These models, conspicuously missing from the warming-skeptic literature, suggest that as the ozone hole heals thanks to worldwide bans on ozone-destroying chemicals all of Antarctica is likely to warm with the rest of the planet. An inconvenient truth?”

  16. Tracy Lynn Poindexter says:

    Ann Coulter needs to get a job in a nursery school wiping the soiled hineys of little gay boys.