Gay Spanish Soldiers to Wed

Spain, which legalized gay marriage as of January 1, is about to see its first wedding between two gay soldiers.

Two male air force privates will wed this summer, taking Spain’s new gay marriage law to the ranks of the military for what is believed to be the first time.

Their union may not be well-received in the military but they don’t care, said one of the two Seville-based men, both of whom are named Alberto. Their last names were not released.

Of course, what the godless MSM won’t tell you is the follow-up stories about the countless numbers of heterosexual marriages that will be destroyed utterly by the marriage of these two Albertos. Not to mention that they won’t mention the fact that this marriage may, single-handedly, completely and utterly destroy the Spanish military.

Of course, it’s also possible they won’t report those things because they won’t happen.

(link via Andrew Sullivan)

FILED UNDER: Blogosphere, Europe, LGBTQ Issues, World Politics, , ,
Alex Knapp
About Alex Knapp
Alex Knapp is Associate Editor at Forbes for science and games. He was a longtime blogger elsewhere before joining the OTB team in June 2005 and contributed some 700 posts through January 2013. Follow him on Twitter @TheAlexKnapp.


  1. whatever says:

    Does something have to “destroy” something else to be against it? Or can you be against something just because of the principle of the thing? Can someone have values based on principle?

    Knapp believes that only way to be against something if it causes “harm” to one another. It is a slippery slope just another example of moral relativism.

  2. Rick DeMent says:

    Well if you are against something simply because of some arbitrary “principal” rather then any harm it might cause then aren’t you being a bit of a dick?

    I have values, but in those cases where my values conflict with those of others I don’t seek to use the police power of the government to impose them on others unless there is real harm being done, like in the case of murder or rape. Whne is come to who get’s to be married to each other I simply don’t care, and no one else should either.

  3. James Joyner says:

    Whatever: The Harm Principle is not moral relativism; it’s the premise of a unified system of morality. Indeed, it’s the exact opposite of moral relativism, which holds that there is no fixed morality because right and wrong are entirely a mtter of perspective.

  4. DC Loser says:

    …this marriage may, single-handedly, completely and utterly destroy the Spanish military.

    As opposed to, raping and killing a teenage girl, and then murdering her family in cold blood? This whole issue is stupid compared to the really important issues in the military.

  5. kent says:

    Of course, what the godless MSM won�t tell you is the follow-up stories about the countless numbers of heterosexual marriages that will be destroyed utterly by the marriage of these two Albertos. Not to mention that they won�t mention the fact that this marriage may, single-handedly, completely and utterly destroy the Spanish military.

    Straw man.

  6. Obviously, DC Loser (apt nickname, by the way) has no appreciation sor sarcasm. Sheesh.

  7. These would be part of the same military for which the recreation of the battle of Trafalgar was re-cast as being between the ‘red’ and ‘blue’ sides so as not to hurt the feeling of the French and Spanish that they lost?

    You also missed the obvious slide of events for the Spanish Military.

    1) Lose their Armada
    2) Lose their colonies
    3) Get their butt kicked in Cuba by an asthmatic fat man with glasses
    4) Get their but kicked in Manila by a man whose most memorable quote was an order expressed as a lawn party invitation
    5) Loan their country out as the military testing ground for the two biggest loser political ideologies of the 20th century
    6) Now have the marriage of two of their privates as the social event of the season after the gay pride parade

    They haven’t hit bottom yet. They are just a super power getting ready to explode on the scene.

  8. DC Loser says:

    Hey Michael, at least I can laugh at my own expense. Show me where the sarcasm was in this entire rant? I think the OP was serious about that, or if not such a big deal, why even bother posting?

  9. DC Loser says:

    On second reading – okay, finally detected sarcasm mode on.

  10. Alex Knapp says:

    Sarcasm is print is difficult sometimes. Apologies for confusion. For the record: I’d prefer that the state was not involved in the institution of marriage, save that of enforcing contracts. However, as long as the state is involved, I am firmly on the side of allowing homosexual couples to wed.

  11. Then again, since we are positing “extreme” hypotheticals, if it does cause the destruction of countless heterosexual marraiges, can we count on the MSM to report that?

    FWIW, I’m in favor of civil unions for gay men and women but find your hyperbole underwhelming. Isn’t it possible for people to believe gay marraige is wrong without being evil or wishing for wanton destruction?