Jon Stewart on ACORN Scandal

I’m a couple days behind on my “Daily Show” viewing but Ed Morrissey points me to this clip of his reaction to the ACORN scandal, in which the community organizers offer helpful advice to a fake pimp-hooker combo in evading criminal detection and claiming their underage Central American sex slaves as dependents on their taxes.

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Ed gives rightful kudos to Jon Stewart and his audience for their horror at this situation despite the fact that ACORN is ostensibly on their side. But it doesn’t surprise me at all.  Stewart makes no bones about his liberal politics but he’s always struck me as a decent and fair guy.  Of course he’s outraged that his tax dollars are going to scumbags.  And he catapulted himself to household name status years ago with his takedown on the “Crossfire” culture, so it’s certainly no surprise that he’s disgusted that the mainstream press didn’t break this long ago.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. JKB says:

    I think Stewart has just finally had to give up on being completely out of touch. He seems much more willing to slam the left after his recent vacation.

    Last night, discussing the Joe Wilson outburst he coined a great phrase. “RememberCongressman Joe Wilson, Republican, South Carolina, has truth tourettes.” Truth tourettes, that’s going to stick.

  2. Derrick says:

    I think Stewart has just finally had to give up on being completely out of touch. He seems much more willing to slam the left after his recent vacation.

    Or maybe Stewart isn’t a hack like those that I’m guessing you watch. Stewart definitely leans liberal, but he’s just a hell of lot more honest than the Hannity’s, Limbaugh’s and others who populate the conservative media. Your not going to get Fox News to take an honest approach that might make Republicans look bad.

  3. Wayne says:

    Fox News which usually has a one half panel\quest liberal the other half conservative with moderators breakdown being approximately 40% conservative, 30%liberal and 30% who knows what. Network wise they cover GOP scandals in the same way they with the DNC scandals.
    Compare to CNN or MSNBC who whole makeup is almost entirely liberals with a small handful of former Republicans who dislike the GOP. They give a very brief if any coverage on a DNC scandal but plenty of air time on GOP ones. Which network is being honest?

    As for Jon Stewart, he is taking swipes at the party in power. That was the way it used to be with entertainers in the not too long ago past but not today.

  4. Davebo says:

    Network wise they cover GOP scandals in the same way they with the DNC scandals.

    If you mean by labeling Republicans in trouble as Democrats you do have a point.

    And not just once.


  5. Franklin says:

    Fox News also labeled Arlen Specter as a Democrat before he was one. Apparently he had just grilled Alberto Gonzalez a little too much for their taste.