Fill In The Blank

If I was president, this wouldn’t have happened because _______________.”

(hat tip: Charles Austin for the inspiration)

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Greg Tinti
About Greg Tinti
Greg started the blog The Political Pit Bull in August 2005. He was OTB's Breaking News Editor from June through August 2006 before deciding to return to his own blog. His blogging career eventually ended altogether. He has a B.A. in Anthropology from The George Washington University,


  1. this is the third reference to this today on this site and people would be tired of it enough now to just say, “Screw it, let’s end the war!”???

  2. … because Achmed doesn’t surf!

    P.S.: I’m flattered.

  3. Wayne says:

    Because I receive daily water enemas.

  4. Bill Faith says:

    “… I’d have disarmed the Israelis last summer.”

  5. LJD says:

    …I would have challenged Hezbollah to a windsurfing contest (and every one knows terrosits can’t swim).

  6. Matt says:

    Hezbollah would have taken one look at these bulging forearms and run away, screaming like little girls.

  7. Kenny says:

    Because I would have voted for them taking Israeli soldiers hostage. And then voted against it.

  8. Anderson says:

    I’d advise against the fill-in-the-blanks in future; past contests have demonstrated that people can come up with really good captions without prodding.