The Draft: Inevitable, Avoidable or Preferable?

I spent the afternoon at an interesting symposium hosted by the Center for American Progress entitled, “The Draft: Inevitable, Avoidable or Preferable?” It featured Intel Dump’sPhil Carter and former Assistant Secretary of Defense Larry Korb and was moderated by journalist Mark Shields. It was carried live on C-SPAN and will most likely be rerun some time this evening and perhaps throughout the weekend. I suspect a transcript will be online at CAP, too.

I actually had an interesting exchange in the Q&A with Shields, who claimed that the current system is unjust because the sons of elite policymakers don’t have to serve in the wars that the policymakers wage. I pointed out that 5/535 Members have had sons in Iraq and that, given the ages involved, presumably several had grandchildren and that this was far higher than the comparable percentage in the general population. He didn’t believe me.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Mark says:

    Actually, no one has to fight in the wars if they do not want to. It is all voluntary.

  2. rabidfox says:

    Of course he didn’t believe you, it flies in the face of his preconceptions. Also, hard to do recruit college gradutes if recruiters aren’t allowed on campuses.

  3. hal lewis jr says:

    The DRAFT be damned! “Involentary Servitude” was finished in 1970’s with Nixon’s all-vol military,, and Carter pardoned ALL who disobeyed the draft rules. I am Korea vet(Class 54-A pilot training), and have 2 sons with 16 to 24 years in Air Force,,, the quality of our troops today is possible ONLY because they WANT to be in military. Please–NO Draft !! Hal Lewis Jr

  4. hal lewis jr says:

    Most young American men have the value-system in their brains that makes them pro-military,,most admire the can-do attitude,the PROVEN ability of US troops. Civilian leaders are often incompetent (too cowardly,too afraid to offend our enemies,etc )and the military are not allowed to do the job given them. Violent death is part of the military life,,but the civilians leaders cause too many unnecessary deaths. There will never be a shortage of professional soldiers so long as (and IF)civilians allow warriors to do warrior work as they know how. Look at the military of EVERY other country in the world (except UK) and you will learn what NOT to do to keep a quality bunch of soldiers. Rumsfeld and Bush are the best civilians the military has had in years. A new draft will cause social civilian turmoil and will weaken our military.

  5. Jack Tanner says:

    There would be some righteous joy in drafting wannabe trustafarians but it wouldn’t be worth the trouble. Besides like the last guy said conscription and ‘free country’ don’t really go together.