Iran Joining Regional Talks

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has announced that Iranian representatives will take part in a regional conference to discuss Iraqi security issues at Sharm el-Sheikh this week. Condi Rice would not rule out talking to the Iranians on yesterday’s This Week and said that, if she talked to her counterpart, she would ask him to “stop the flow of arms to foreign fighters” and to “stop the flow of foreign fighters across the borders.”

What’s interesting is that this winds up being a back door way of talking to Iran and Syria as per the Iraq Study Group recommendations.

Kingdaddy is right, too, that talks with the Iranians have to get beyond the security issues if they are to bear any fruit. “Any discussion that focuses purely on one or both of these issues omits other Iranian interests, such as its energy projects with India, Russia, and other countries. In other words, while security issues top the list, compartmentalizing them removes what little leverage the US government has with Iran.”

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. legion says:

    What’s interesting is that this winds up being a back door way of talking to Iran and Syria as per the Iraq Study Group recommendations.

    Just wait ’till someone explains that to Bush. He’ll stomp on it right quick.

  2. Christopher says:

    legion, just wait till you get bombed by a terrorist, that will stomp out, um, well, YOU.

    And by the way, for all you foreign policy wonks who like to give advice, like this kingdaddy dude: to actually bear any fruit the Iranians in fact have to talk with “truth”, this being an even more essential element than anything else.

  3. legion says:

    I’ll hold my breath if you will too.

    to actually bear any fruit the Iranians in fact have to talk with “truth”, this being an even more essential element than anything else.

    Indeed. Now if we could only get _our_ government to speak with truth one of these days, we might actually make some progress…

  4. Christopher says:


    Maybe you should move since you think America is as bad as many terrorist countries. Maybe go to France???

    See ya!

  5. Michael says:

    Maybe you should move since you think America is as bad as many terrorist countries. Maybe go to France???

    You think France is as bad as terrorist supporting countries?

    I don’t mean to be rude, but you know where France is right? I mean, without the aid of a map, could you tell me where France is?