Lou Dobbs: Xenophobe, Hypocrite

Well, isn’t this interesting:

In Lou Dobbs’s heyday at CNN, when he commanded more than 800,000 viewers and a reported $6 million a year for “his fearless reporting and commentary,” in the words of former CNN president Jonathan Klein, the host became notorious for his angry rants against “illegal aliens.” But Dobbs reserved a special venom for the employers who hire them, railing against “the employer who is so shamelessly exploiting the illegal alien and so shamelessly flouting US law” and even proposing, on one April 2006 show, that “illegal employers who hire illegal aliens” should face felony charges.

Since he left CNN last November, after Latino groups mounted a protest campaign against his inflammatory rhetoric, Dobbs has continued to advocate an enforcement-first approach to immigration, emphasizing, as he did in a March 2010 interview on Univision, that “the illegal employer is the central issue in this entire mess!”


But with his relentless diatribes against “illegals” and their employers, Dobbs is casting stones from a house—make that an estate—of glass. Based on a yearlong investigation, including interviews with five immigrants who worked without papers on his properties, The Nation and the Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute have found that Dobbs has relied for years on undocumented labor for the upkeep of his multimillion-dollar estates and the horses he keeps for his 22-year-old daughter, Hillary, a champion show jumper.

Why am I not surprised ?

FILED UNDER: Borders and Immigration, US Politics, ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Brummagem Joe says:

    Many nations excel at a something. The French at red wine and cheese. The Germans at sausages. The Italians knitwear and shoes. Austrians cream cakes. The US produces pretty good steak but it’s our hypocrites where we truly excel. A pity there isn’t an Olympic event, we’d win hands down.

  2. DC Loser says:

    Pot meets kettle.

  3. Juneau says:

    I agree with all of you…. every business in the U.S. should immediately insist that all latino workers prove their citizenship and if they can’t produce the proper paperwork, the workers should be fired. A notice should also be sent to the respective state unemployment bureau with the worker’s biographical details to make sure they can’t receive unemployment benefits.

    Then there will be no illegal immigrant workers employed in the U.S. – anywhere. Unless they forge SS cards and obtain fraudulent driver’s licenses, like the housekeeper for Whitman.

    In true fashion, the Progs – and the wanna be progs like Mataconis – feel that even though the Federal Government cannot be bothered to investigate illegal immigrants, people like Whitman and Dobbs should hire private investigators or something to track down whether or not Social Security cards and birth certificates are forged.

    You guys are unbelievable freakin’ lame and limp – both intellectually and in practicality. The good news is that your brand of “spin in circles and argue both sides” has been sussed out and has cost you credibility with Americans- therefore costing you the most powerful congessional majority in decades.

  4. mantis says:

    I agree with all of you…. every business in the U.S. should immediately insist that all latino workers prove their citizenship and if they can’t produce the proper paperwork, the workers should be fired.

    Latinos eh? What, there can be no immigrants here illegally except Latinos? Hmmm.

    In true fashion, the Progs – and the wanna be progs like Mataconis – feel that even though the Federal Government cannot be bothered to investigate illegal immigrants

    Yet somehow border enforcement and deportations have increased since Obama took office. Funny how reality and your claims never really match, isn’t it?

    By the way, what party do you think most of those business owners who look the other way while employing illegal immigrants belong to? Republican or Democratic? Anyway, good luck getting them to get rid of all their cheap labor, which is only Latinos, because they’re the only ones here illegally, right?

  5. G.A.Phillips says:

    lol, yup, stop hiring Latinos it’s the only way to be sure.

    ***Republican or Democratic? Anyway, good luck getting them to get rid of all their cheap labor, which is only Latinos, because they’re the only ones here illegally, right?***

    Nope but there are 10’s or millions of them, and way can’t we use the liberals stupid race name game?

    Set up the stupid game with your indoctrination but no one can play?

  6. wr says:

    Shorter Juneau: Nothng that anyone on my team does can ever be wrong. If someone on my team does violate every principal he and I claim to stand for, it’s the liberals’ fault.

    Shorter GA: Same thing, only translated into gibberish.

  7. mantis says:

    Nope but there are 10′s or millions of them, and way can’t we use the liberals stupid race name game?

    Well, dumbass, my point is that a) not all illegal immigrants are Latino, and b) not all Latinos are illegal immigrants. In fact, tens of millions of American citizens are Latino. Apparently Juneau and you think those people should be forced to do things based solely on their ethnicity, while all the non-Latino citizens (and illegal immigrants) don’t have to. If you don’t see a problem with that, you are the problem.

    As for your “race name game” nonsense, I can’t even tell what you’re trying to say. Proper grammar and coherent thought seem to elude you.

  8. G.A.Phillips says:

    ***Well, dumbass, my point is that a) not all illegal immigrants are Latino, and b) not all Latinos are illegal immigrants.***LOL, Your point is indoctrinated liberal racism, which is my point.

    Your judging of others intent of meaning by these standards is dumbass, also my point.

    ***Proper grammar and coherent thought seem to elude you.*** lol you can’t seem to grasp your own stupidity but you can grasp mine in your fantasy world of paper grading liberal thought arguments.

    Why don’t you go tell the illegal aliens about how proper grammar and coherent thought seem to elude them. Or mabe the people who use them for politics?

    ***Apparently Juneau and you think those people should be forced to do things based solely on their ethnicity, while all the non-Latino citizens (and illegal immigrants) don’t have to.***

    lol……talk about incoherent.

  9. mantis says:

    LOL, Your point is indoctrinated liberal racism, which is my point.

    So recognizing that not all illegals are Latino, and not all Latinos are illegal, is racism? How, exactly?

    Your judging of others intent of meaning by these standards is dumbass, also my point.

    I agree. Your point is dumb.

    talk about incoherent.

    Only to idiots.

  10. Juneau says:

    @ mantis

    Yet somehow border enforcement and deportations have increased since Obama took office. Funny how reality and your claims never really match, isn’t it?

    Oh, wow! So since Obama removed his pinky from the dike and put his thumb in instead, we should all rejoice and call it good… got it. The REALITY, as you put it, is that the libs are salivating over the illegal immigrants as a potential voting block, and have no real interest in getting rid of the problem. This is why illegal immigrants are always included in the “free goodies” bag that libs throw together to buy votes – free education, free healthcare, free housing, freedon to break federal law with impunity.

    Remember Obama’s pledge to send 1200 National Guard troops to secure the border? As of September 1, 2010….he sent 30. So that he can say he sent troops to the border. Somewhat underwhelming on actually following through on his promise, yes? As usual.

    Your citation of statistics showing deportations are up is the same situation. The activity of deportation is miniscule compared to the problem. Is there part of that equation which excapes you?

  11. Juneau says:

    @ mantis

    Well, dumbass, my point is that a) not all illegal immigrants are Latino,

    This is nothing but a diversionary tactic – the vast, vast majority of illegal immigrants are latino and everyone knows this. When discussions take place about illegal immigration, it is the volume and sheer numbers that form the problems which need to be addressed. Again, everyone knows this …address the point why don’t you and try to resist the urge to fall off into Prog “doublespeak.”

    ***Apparently Juneau and you think those people should be forced to do things based solely on their ethnicity, while all the non-Latino citizens (and illegal immigrants) don’t have to.***

    Like what, exactly? What are conservatives asking latino citizens to do that non-latino citizens are not asked to do? Assimiilate into American society? Learn the language so we don’t spend 100’s of millions of dollars printing up Spanish school materials, legal documents, ballots, and hiring Humar Resources specialists and interpreters?

  12. Juneau says:

    [ typos] = hurry. Oh well.

  13. Juneau says:

    @ wr

    Nothng that anyone on my team does can ever be wrong. If someone on my team does violate every principal he and I claim to stand for, it’s the liberals’ fault.

    What are you prattling on about? Usual Prog nonsense , using phrases like “nothing .. can EVER be wrong” , and “violating EVERY principle.” If you feel I am blindly biased in favor of conservative politicians, why don’t you come up with a specific example of “wrongdoing” , give me a chance to reply, and critique my response? Rather than make some specious claim I have no personal principles which rise above party and poilitics?

    As for the latter part, it is your party that has elevated victimhood to a high art, not mine. Your parties goal has been class and race division for as long as I have been paying attentin to politics, and when you get desperate (like now) it just gets worse and worse. It is your side that encourages a “hyphenated” America, not mine; African-American, PuertoRican-American, Mexican-American, etc. Emphasizing the differences, rather than the commonality. Oh, that’s right. Excuse me, its “celebrating” the differences now, isn’t it? That sounds so much more positive than “focusing on division” ….

  14. mantis says:

    This is nothing but a diversionary tactic – the vast, vast majority of illegal immigrants are latino and everyone knows this. When discussions take place about illegal immigration, it is the volume and sheer numbers that form the problems which need to be addressed. Again, everyone knows this …address the point why don’t you and try to resist the urge to fall off into Prog “doublespeak.”

    I like that facts to you are diversionary “doublespeak.” Reveals a lot about your thinking. In any case, you kind of missed the part where I pointed out that not all Latinos are illegal immigrants, and in fact the vast majority of Latinos in the US are citizens.

    Like what, exactly? What are conservatives asking latino citizens to do that non-latino citizens are not asked to do? Assimiilate into American society? Learn the language so we don’t spend 100′s of millions of dollars printing up Spanish school materials, legal documents, ballots, and hiring Humar Resources specialists and interpreters?

    I was responding to something you wrote, dumbass.

    every business in the U.S. should immediately insist that all latino workers prove their citizenship and if they can’t produce the proper paperwork, the workers should be fired.

    You said all Latino workers should be made to produce documentation or face dismissal and deportation. You want them to be forced to do that, while non-Latinos, whether they be citizens, legal residents, or illegal immigrants, get a pass. That’s your recommendation. And it wasn’t “conservatives” I referenced, it was you. You are asking businesses and the government to harass their Latino workers, the majority of whom are US citizens. Now tell me, is that out of your great concern for law and order, or something else. I have a good guess to the real answer.

  15. mantis says:

    As for the latter part, it is your party that has elevated victimhood to a high art, not mine.

    Hahahaha. Sarah Palin called, she says your full of shit. And she blames teh librul media for it.

  16. Nikki says:

    “I have a good guess to the real answer.”

    He wrote it as stream of consciousness and he never even realized what he wrote.

  17. Juneau: says:

    @ mantis

    And in response; the post about checking all latinos for papers was hyperbolic analogy to show how moronic your criticism is of people who might unknowingly hire illegal aliens – particularly when they present forged documents for employment. Get a clue, idiot.

    I would have thought that the sheer impossibility of the proposal might have clued you in to the point, but alas you’ve got Prog-rot of the brain and it was an utterly useless exercise.

  18. Zelsdorf Ragshaft III says:

    Turns out the article in the nation was a lie. Your continuation of that lie is a breach of ethics. I ask you to publish a retraction Mataconis. I know you are below the notice of most, but I will send a link to your post to Lou. I don’t know what he can do, but James should find a blogger who has some ethics in what they post. Quoting the Nation? Why not the New York Times? No bias there. You are in the same catagory as Mantis and Anjin.

  19. ziggunfuggen says:

    Why did your story not point out that all those employees were hired through an employment company whose job it was to check the citizenship of the employees?