Michele Bachmann: If We Don’t Completely Support Israel, God Will Curse Us

Apparently, Michele Bachmann bases  her foreign policy views on obscure quotes from a book written 5,000 years ago:

At a Republican Jewish Coalition event in Los Angeles last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann offered a candid view of her positions on Israel: Support for Israel is handed down by God and if the United States pulls back its support, America will cease to exist.

Here’s a transcript of some of her remarks at the RJC event:

I am convinced in my heart and in my mind that if the United States fails to stand with Israel, that is the end of the United States . . . [W]e have to show that we are inextricably entwined, that as a nation we have been blessed because of our relationship with Israel, and if we reject Israel, then there is a curse that comes into play. And my husband and I are both Christians, and we believe very strongly the verse from Genesis [Genesis 12:3], we believe very strongly that nations also receive blessings as they bless Israel. It is a strong and beautiful principle.

Right now in my own private Bible time, I am working through Isaiah . . . and there is continually a coming back to what God gave to Israel initially, which was the Torah and the Ten Commandments, and I have a wonderful quote from John Adams that if you will indulge me [while I find it] . . . [from his February 16, 1809 letter to François Adriaan van der Kemp]:

I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization.

. . . So that is a very long way to answer your question, but I believe that an explicit statement from us about our support for Israel as tied to American security, we would do well to do that.

Leaving aside the question of whether it would be a good idea to give any more political power to a person who apparently makes her foreign policy decisions based on religion rather than the facts on the ground and what might actually be in America’s national interest, I’ve really got to wonder if the author of this verse:

The LORD said to Abram: “Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the communities of the earth shall find blessing in you.

really meant to say Bibi Netanyahu, right or wrong. Somehow, I think not.

FILED UNDER: 2012 Election, Middle East, Religion, US Politics, World Politics, , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. jwest says:

    Why would a Christian woman who is thinking about running for higher office say such a thing in front of the Republican Jewish Coalition?

    It just seems like crazy talk. Especially on the same day that Obama throws our closest friend in the Middle East under the bus.

    Doesn’t she have the sense to know that Jews here in America will rally behind Obama in his quest to give Israel away to the Palestinians?

    What a stupid woman.

  2. ken says:

    Seriously everyone, isn’t this just further evidence that conservatives’ political behavior is unhinged from reality?

    This kind of barking madness is so ubiquitous among Republicans that most folks are not surprised any more and do not realize just how crazy they have become.

  3. Southern Hoosier says:

    God already cursed us in 2008, he gave us Comrade Obama as president.

  4. Southern Hoosier says:

    Leaving aside the question of whether it would be a good idea to give any more political power to a person who apparently makes her foreign policy decisions based on religion rather than the facts on the ground….

    You mean someone like Jimmy Carter?

  5. Alex Knapp says:

    Someone needs to read the New Testament again.

  6. Quinn says:

    You know, I’m a conservative and a Christian, but I have enough sense to take all things in context. Bachmann is not reflective of me, she’s a fundamentalist. She’s extreme.

    Israel is an ally. The best thing America can do is not tell an ally how to be. I don’t go over to my friends house and tell them how to build their fence and what’s an acceptable way to protect their children.

    Bachmann is a nut.

  7. CB says:

    It just seems like crazy talk. Especially on the same day that Obama throws our closest friend in the Middle East under the bus.

    God already cursed us in 2008, he gave us Comrade Obama as president.

    you guys really cant help yourselves, can you

  8. ratufa says:

    It just seems like crazy talk. Especially on the same day that Obama throws our closest friend in the Middle East under the bus.

    It is crazy talk. Also, Obama didn’t throw Israel under a bus, as many people have pointed out. For example:



    If you’d actually read Obama’s speech, you’d see that it’s mostly the same meaningless, feel-good blather that he usually says. What he said about 1967 borders was:

    We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.

    Compare that with what Olmert said in 2008:
    and it’s not all that different. Obama also condemned terrorism and said:

    As for security, every state has the right to self-defense, and Israel must be able to defend itself -– by itself -– against any threat.

    But, those statements aren’t getting as much media play.

  9. Southern Hoosier says:


    A staggering turn in world events is due to erupt in the next few years. It will involve violently the United States, Britain, Western Europe, the Middle East. It’s already rather late for the free world to come awake to the real meaning behind current world events! Why do not the world’s leaders see what is coming? Why are the world’s best minds unseeing – the heads of state, scientists, educators, editors, news analysts, bankers, industrialists, leaders in business and commerce? They are totally unaware! Why?

    Because they have been falsely educated and deceived into closing their minds to the great causes behind world events and trends. This world has been falsely educated to ignore causes and deal with effects! Yet all the world’s problems and ills are simply a matter of cause and effect. There is a cause that has produced strife and war; poverty, wretchedness, inequality; crime, disease, mental ills. But the leaders do not know!


  10. CB says:

    Israel is an ally

    agreed, but…

    The best thing America can do is not tell an ally how to be. I don’t go over to my friends house and tell them how to build their fence and what’s an acceptable way to protect their children.

    what happens when your ally, possibly your most important in the region, seems stubbornly intent on pursuing a path to self-destruction? would it not be the act of a friend to raise serious questions about settlements, proportional use of force, etc?

    i realize its a very subjective and tedious topic, but i guess i have to say that its disheartening to see that those questions are apparently even beyond the realm of discussion.

  11. legion says:

    So, does this mean the US was struggling under God’s curse until Israel became a nation after WWII? We did pretty good for all that accursedness…

  12. Hey Norm says:

    Isreal has not acted in the US’s interest in years. If this was a domestic relationship it would be called abusive. And folks like Bachmann only encourage the further isolation of Isreal…they are not acting in Isreals best interest. Like the rest of their view of the world, their comprehension of Middle East policy is child-like.

  13. john personna says:

    What’s with Right Crazy Woman Big Hair? First Palin …

  14. Southern Hoosier says:

    legion says: Friday, May 20, 2011 at 16:35

    So, does this mean the US was struggling under God’s curse until Israel became a nation after WWII?

    Speaking of WW II

    The MS St. Louis was a German ocean liner most notable for a single voyage in 1939, in which her captain, Gustav Schröder, tried to find homes for 937 German Jewish refugees after they were denied entry to Cuba.

    America not only refused their entry but even fired a warning shot to keep them away from Florida’s shores”

  15. Southern Hoosier says:

    During a discussion about whether this crisis (9 11) might bring revival to America, Jerry Falwell said God may have allowed what the nation deserved because of moral decay and said Americans should have an attitude of repentance before God and asking for God’s protection. He specifically listed the ACLU, abortionists, feminists, gays, and the People For the American way as sharing in the blame. Pat Robertson responded with agreement.


  16. chaz4224 says:

    to southern hoosier i prefer comrade obama to king george any day and falwell the closet homo is dead

  17. chaz4224 says:

    the bible is used by some people to justify hatred, ignorance and stupidity

  18. Southern Hoosier says:

    chaz4224 says:
    Friday, May 20, 2011 at 17:29

    the bible is used by some people to justify hatred, ignorance and stupidity

    I agree, that is why one needs to read the Bible for themselves and not take other people’s word for what is in it.

  19. Ben Wolf says:

    Southen Hoosier reminds us of a universal constant: the consistent and inevitable linking of religious fundamentalism and right radicalism.

    When you have one you get the other, as both present a model of a world divided between good and evil, right and wrong, absolute truth and distrust of reason.

    Question Hoosier: how often do you seriously question your core beliefs?

  20. Have a nice G.A. says:

    I agree, that is why one needs to read the Bible for themselves and not take other people’s word for what is in it.


  21. Have a nice G.A. says:

    distrust of reason


  22. john personna says:

    The idea that we “support Israel” rather than “support Peace” is one of the cruelest threads in American politics.

    Really Israel supporters, what’s so bad about supporting peace first? As a first principle? You know, then Israel and the Palestinians, and those surrounding, would all get some of that peace.

  23. john personna says:

    (I hope it isn’t because “support Israel” types want to join, not lessen, ongoing RWar.)

  24. Southern Hoosier says:

    Ben Wolf says: Friday, May 20, 2011 at 18:07
    Question Hoosier: how often do you seriously question your core beliefs?


    Southen Hoosier reminds us of a universal constant: the consistent and inevitable linking of religious fundamentalism and right radicalism.


    When you have one you get the other, as both present a model of a world divided between good and evil, right and wrong, absolute truth and distrust of reason.

    True again, accept for the distrust of reason.

  25. Ernieyeball says:

    DISCLAIMER: BE WARNED!!! I have been revealed as a Christian Hater by Southern Hoosier.

    (Southern Hoosier says:
    Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 04:11
    @Ernieyeball Read in to it anything you want. I realize you hate Christians,..)

    If u value your soul u will not read my remarks!

    Today Mr. Hoosier, a fallible human being, speaks for God: “God already cursed us in 2008, he gave us Comrade Obama as president.”

    Apparently SH thinks the voters of the United States of America are directed by the supernatural curses of his(?) God.

    On a May 17, 2011 thread about prospective tests for United States electors SH advocates “Requiring ALL citizens to have a certain level of competency in order to vote…”

    I would suggest such a test be designed to screen out all those who exhibit magical thinking.

  26. Southern Hoosier says:

    Ernieyeball says: Friday, May 20, 2011 at 18:20

    DISCLAIMER: BE WARNED!!! I have been revealed as a Christian Hater by Southern Hoosier.

    Ok, so you don’t hate Christians, that must mean you don’t hate me.

  27. Bleev K says:

    Ok, so you don’t hate Christians, that must mean you don’t hate me.

    Personally, I just pity them

  28. tom p says:

    Folks, why do you discuss anything with an admitted racist? Southern hoosier, I got you.

    Not only are you a racist, you are a racist idiot. I hope you reply to this with more of your racist links. Here is a hint: The corner only gets smaller (STOP painting) the hole only gets deeper (STOP digging)…

    And folks, READ HIS POSTS… If you still want to have a conversation with him…. I wonder about you.

    No, no I don’t. You are stupid too.

  29. Southern Hoosier says:

    tom p says:
    Friday, May 20, 2011 at 18:57

    Folks, why do you discuss anything with an admitted racist? Southern hoosier, I got you.

    Way to go! Now tell me what I said was racist. That the 10 most dangerous cities have large population of Blacks? That the 10 safest cities have small population of Blacks? Nasty little racist facts keep getting in the way of your Pollyanna world.

    Maybe it was this quote from one of the biggest racist of all

    “I hate to admit it, but I have reached a stage in my life that if I am walking down a dark street late at night and I see that the person behind me is white, I subconsciously feel relieved.” — Reverend Jesse Jackson

  30. Southern Hoosier says:

    tom p says: Friday, May 20, 2011 at 18:57

    Folks, why do you discuss anything with an admitted racist? Southern hoosier, I got you.

    Not only are you a racist, you are a racist idiot. I hope you reply to this with more of your racist links.

    Here Tom just for you.
    http://www.amren.com/mtnews/ This is a real racist website, most of there stories come from the mainstream press.

    And here is another one for you
    Islam: Making a True Difference in the World – One Body at a Time

    And maybe you’d like to post on this one.

  31. ken says:

    You know, I’m a conservative and a Christian, but I have enough sense to take all things in context. Bachmann is not reflective of me, she’s a fundamentalist. She’s extreme.

    She is about as typical as one can get for a Republican conservative. Look around, they are all nuts. Every. Last. One.

    Jesus is a liberal. How can you call yourself a Christian and still associate with conservatives?

  32. Southern Hoosier says:

    ken says:
    Friday, May 20, 2011 at 19:49

    How can you call yourself a Christian and still associate with conservatives?
    How can you call yourself a Christian and still associate with liberals?

  33. I don’t go over to my friends house and tell them how to build their fence and what’s an acceptable way to protect their children.

    I really wish I had given my neighborhood some hints about how to build his fence, because he made some fundamental errors on the main supports and in way he attached the frame to the posts. As a result, the fence is sagging and is going to fall down one day (into my yard, in fact). Further, I had to add boards to the bottom of the fence to keep my dog out of his yard (and now, in fact, his dog out of mine) because on another set of errors he made.

    So, actually, sometimes giving an ally advice isn’t all bad and failing to do so might have consequences for you.

    Especially, by the way, when that ally receives billions of dollars per annum from you…

  34. DRF says:

    As a Jew, I’m a supporter of Israel (although not an uncritical one), but I have to say that this is totally creepy and scary. This country’s existence certainly doesn’t depend upon the survival of the State of Israel, and such a point of view, if held by the President, would potentially lead us to some terrible policy decisions. Moreover Bachmann’s reasoning seems to be derived strictly from religious belief.

    I don’t want someone like this in charge of the destiny of 300 million people.

  35. Neil Hudelson says:

    Grand Dragon Southern Hoosier has resorted to quoting fringe online pamphleteers, and Falwell/Robertson? Sad. At least he used to attempt rational discussion. It was fun to watch, like a 9 year old being allowed to stay up late with the adults.

    And now? Just quoting religious bigots.

  36. Have a nice G.A. says:

    Wow, some of these posts are unbelievable, but whats new?

  37. Ernieyeball says:

    Mr. S. Hoosier:
    I never said I hated you and I never said I hated Christians.
    You did accuse me of hating Christians.
    I believe it is appropriate in the United States of America for me to defend myself against your baseless indictment.
    Sees All, Knows All
    Doesn’t Think Much of Any of It!
    (‘Cept Maybe the Hooters Girls)

  38. john personna says:

    DRF, as I say in the other thread, revisit Kevin Philips American Theocracy

  39. CB says:

    She is about as typical as one can get for a Republican conservative. Look around, they are all nuts. Every. Last. One.

    but, shes not. shes either nuts, or deeply cynical. probably somewhere in between. but even at my most pessimistic, i dont think (cant think) she represents mainstream conservative thought.

  40. ken says:

    Set aside your own ‘thoughts’ about what a conservative is or isn’t. Look at the actual political behavior of conservatives. Make no excuses by trying to provide benign motives. Look at things objectively without prejudice. Any rational person would conclude that conservatives are nuts.

    For example, would a normal person of average intellect go running of to a talk radio host to abjectly apologize for saying something any normal person would find unobjectionable? Conservatives do it all the time.

  41. Greedy Banker says:

    Why should America have this, “unbreakable” bond with the racist apartheid state of israel? What do we owe the zionist for this privilege?

    America can and should not have a FAVORITE country with SPECIAL relations (billions of dollars of our hard-earned TAXES goes to the zionists) just as it CANNOT have a SPECIAL relationship with a specific American ETHNIC GROUP that is bestowed with SPECIAL RIGHTS OVER the rest of us in this country.

    What is good for Americans should be good for other countries!!!!

    America doesn’t even have a legal treaty with israel! If we did, it would define the zionist’s borders, but those murdering racist aparthied zionists are still in the progress of stealing MORE ARAB LANDS.

    If it doesn’t work like that in America it shouldn’t work like that in our relations with other countries. Treat every country the same. It’s pure baloney to maintain a SPECIAL relation with the zionists.

    Ask yourselves if it would be ok to send your sons and daughters to war to defend a bunch of ex-communists thugs from Eastern Europe, so they can continue hogging land that doesn’t belong to them?

    This thinking of having a SPECIAL BOND with the zionists has to change! Look where this special bond has gotten us. We losing our rights over it. Remember it the next time you’re hassled at the airport.

    What we have gotten from this special bond is 9/11 and the killing of our people and the Iraq war that designed by zionists with dual American and israeli citizenships. George Washington is turning in his grave!!!

    What a shame! The war on terror is designed to keep the zionists happy spending our money while our children die for them. Now they want us to attack Iran.

    Americans are not slaves to zionists!!