Obama Hits All-Time Low In Gallup Poll

In addition to the debt ceiling headaches, there’s news from Gallup that is likely not making President Obama happy today:

President Obama’s job approval rating is at a new low, averaging 40% in July 26-28 Gallup Daily tracking. His prior low rating of 41% occurred several times, the last of which was in April. As recently as June 7, Obama had 50% job approval.

Obama’s approval rating averaged 46% in June and was near that level for most of July; however, it has stumbled in the past few days, coinciding with intensification of the debt ceiling/budget battle in Washington.

Obama’s 40% overall approval rating nearly matches the recent 41% approval Americans gave him for handling the debt ceiling negotiations. Though Americans rate Obama poorly for his handling of the situation, they are less approving of how House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are handling it. Gallup does not include ratings of Congress or congressional leaders in its Daily tracking, and thus, there is no overall job approval rating of Boehner, Reid, or Congress directly comparable to Obama’s current 40% overall job approval rating.

Obama’s job approval rating among Democrats is 72%, compared with 34% among independents and 13% among Republicans. In the prior three weeks, his average approval rating was 79% among Democrats, 41% among independents, and 12% among Republicans.

The dip in the Gallup numbers is reflective of what seems to be a general trend among all the approval polls:

To some extent this is likely a reflection of general public disdain over the state of the debt ceiling negotiations, because there have been similar dips in the approval numbers for Congressional Republicans. To a large extent, though, it is the state of the economy that is driving these numbers, and all we’re hearing about the economy lately is bad news. If I were President Obama, I’d be worried.

FILED UNDER: Public Opinion Polls, US Politics, , , , , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. PD Shaw says:

    It looks to me like the end of the Bin Laden bubble.

  2. superdestroyer says:

    The problem is that the for the Republicans there are only about 20% of the population that will support them without question whereas for the Democrats there is about 35% of the population that will support them without question. Add that number to the number of blacks who will support President Obama no matter what he does or how he does it, and the Democrats have an approval ceiling above 40%.

    AS the demographics of the U.S. change, the Democrats will eventually reach the point where 50% of the voters will automatically support them. See California today.

  3. George Vreeland Hill says:

    All-time low?
    Well, they don’t call him Nobama for nothing.

    George Vreeland Hill

  4. Eric Florack says:

    The problem is that the for the Republicans there are only about 20% of the population that will support them without question whereas for the Democrats there is about 35% of the population that will support them without question

    Mostly, that has to do with the republicans attempting to be “Democrat Lite”. Which, in turn, is why the tea party is so popular just now.