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The Right Finally Joins the Culture War!

Apparently, it’s been a one-sided affair up until now.

RedState Purges Trump Critics

There has been a massive layoff at the Republican website. Everyone who criticized the President is gone.

Roy Moore And The Battle For Control Of Congress

A top Republican political analyst is warning that a Roy Moore victory in Alabama could pose real problems for Republicans in 2018. If it does, they’ll have nobody to blame but themselves.

National Review Takes On Donald Trump, But It’s Most Likely Too Little, Too Late

The flagship of the American right is leading the charge against Donald Trump, but it’s not likely to work.

Donald Trump Appeals To The Worst Instincts In Voters, And The Worst Parts Of American Politics

The longer this race goes on, the hard it becomes to deny the truth about Donald Trump.

How Much Will Trumpism Damage The Republican Party?

Even if Donald Trump isn’t the Republican nominee in 2016, he could still end up causing real harm to the party’s chances of winning the White House and holding on to the Senate.

Walker, Jindal, And Graham Endorse Donald Trump’s Plan To End Birthright Citizenship

It will never actually happen, of course, but some of Donald Trump’s fellow candidates for President have been eager to endorse his idea to abolish birthright citizenship.

Scott Walker Is Now Apparently Against Legal Immigration Too

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is now appealing to the worst aspects of economic populism on the right.

Wikipedia Wants to Eliminate The Federalist! Oh, noes!

When I saw the entry at memeorandum proclaiming that “Wikipedia Is Now Trying To Eliminate The Federalist’s Online Entry,” I was flummoxed.

Malaysia Buys Bloggers, Forgets to Haggle Over Price

The government of Malaysia paid a lot of money to get some blogs placed at various outlets.

Obama’s Gun Plan Uses Sandy Hook, Wouldn’t Have Prevented It

President Obama has unveiled a set of restrictions that wouldn’t have stopped the Sandy Hook Massacre. Some are nonetheless be good policy.

The Conservative Political Media Complex

Many conservatives are living inside of a media bubble and they’ll continue to have problems until the consciously decide to break out of it.

Obama Fills Out His Bracket While World Collapses

President Obama is once again catching flak for his leisure activities.

Reading the Other Side

Most blog readers, like talk radio listeners, gravitate to those sites where the host’s views mirror their own. This actually encourages over-the-top language, villification of the other side, and shoddy reasoning. Echo chambers tend not to reward nuance.