Some Thoughts on “Cancel Culture”

Thomas gets the ball rolling, and I take off from there.

RVA Pro Gun Rally 2020-11 Streets of Richmond, VA RVA Pro Gun Rally 2020-11 Streets of Richmond, VA

Vigilante Politics

We’re likely to see more instances like the Capitol Riot and the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings.

Joseph Galloway, 1941-2021

A legendary journalist is gone.

We Dismiss Potential Religious Allies At Our Peril

Ignoring religious diversity makes polarization much worse.

Robert Downey Jr. Says ‘Forgive Mel Gibson’

Robert Downey, Jr. goes out on a limb for Mel Gibson, returning a favor.

Caption Contest Winners

The Wild Hogs Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Gibsonpalooza (Video)

Metro Versus Retro


Cola Economics

Life of Brian

Hollywood Economics

Passion Reviewed