The Reality Show Party?

Another R/D cleavage?

On Coups, Insurrections, and Security Theater

Reflections on the events of 6 January two months later.

The Lincoln Project Grift

Its founders are laughing all the way to the bank.

#NeverTrump Democrats

A movement that has grown beyond recognition.

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Ends Presidential Bid Nobody Knew Existed

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is ending a Presidential bid nobody knew existed.

Howard Schultz’s Seinfeldesque Campaign About Nothing

Based on his appearance on CNN last night, Howard Schultz appears to be running a campaign about nothing.

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz Considering Presidential Run

Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz is apparently considering running for President.

What Happens To The GOP If Trump Loses?

A Trump loss in November could lead to battles inside the GOP that could take years to resolve.

Christie And Bush Take Aim At Marco Rubio

Jeb Bush and Chris Christie have spent the holiday week taking aim at Marco Rubio.

Rick Perry Looking For The Elusive Second Act In American Politics

Rick Perry is sounding for all the world like a candidate for President, and says he’s a different candidate this time, but initial perceptions are hard to overcome.

The GOP Is Nearly Dead In California

Republicans used to dominate California. Now, they’re barely a factor in the state’s politics.

Could Foreign Policy Cost Mitt Romney The Election?

Mitt Romney’s foreign policy weaknesses are starting to become apparent.

Romney Campaign Getting Started On The Veepstakes

With the nomination pretty much inevitable, it’s time to start thinking about Romney’s running mate.

Vetting A Running Mate In A Post-Palin World

The vetting process for a Vice-Presidential running mate will likely be very different with memories of the Sarah Palin debacle fresh in everyone’s mind.

A Party on the Brink

Are the Republicans the party of Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich? Or a viable contender for the White House?

Herman Cain Suspends Presidential Campaign

We won’t have Herman Cain to kick around anymore.

Ken Mehlman is Gay and I Don’t Care

The guy who ran George W. Bush’s campaign and the Republican National Committee has realized after only 43 years that he likes dudes.