Dave Weigel Resigns

You know who would be a good replacement for him at the Right Now blog? David Petraeus.

Line of the Day – “Welcome to Big Time Politics, Rand Paul” Edition

Man running for United States Senate shocked to learn that he has to be careful what he says.

Newspapers Suck Less Than You Think

An article attempting to illustrate the obsolescence of newspapers inadvertently does the opposite.

Gallup: More Conservatives than Liberals in the United States

If the trend continues, 2010 will mark a record number of conservatives for the Gallup poll since it began asking the question in 1992.

New Poll Shows Americans Don’t Know Much About The Judiciary

When it comes to the Supreme Court, most Americans have no idea what they’re talking about.

Afghanistan Is Not Like Iraq, Even If The Same General Is In Charge

The odds that David Petraeus will be able to pull off a miracle in Afghanistan like he did in Iraq are very slim.

Dave Weigel’s Anti-Conservative Rants Go Public

Sharing your unvarnished thoughts on a listserv is just asking for trouble, as Dave Weigel is the latest to discover.

Caption Contest Winners

The Presidential Yacht Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Endorsement By Sarah Palin Seen As A Negative, Poll Shows

“Endorsed by Sarah Palin” could become something that Democrats start using in negative campaign commercials.

Petraeus Backs July 2011 Afghanistan Withdrawal Timetable

David Petraeus says he supports the President’s Afghanistan policy, including the withdrawal timetable, but that means less than most people think it does.

SCOTUS Narrows ‘Honest Services’ Doctrine

Enron’s Jeffrey Skilling and media mogul Conrad Black got new life today from the Supreme Court, who ruled the use of the “honest services” doctrine against them unconstitutionally vague.

Praise for the Military

While praise for the military often goes overboard, the reaction to the McChrystal flap shows our armed forces at their finest.

McChrystal Tweets

Caption Contest

Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM

Summer Break Edition. The Caption Contest will return around mid-July.

Firing McChrystal: Anatomy of a Decision

Both President Obama and General McChrystal handled a bad situation incredibly well.

Obama’s Approval Numbers Sinking Fast

Another poll brings bad news for the White House.

Al Gore Sex Scandal: Evidence Thin

Al Gore has been accused of sexually assaulting a “masseuse” in a Portland hotel room.

Stan McChrystal for Bud Lite Lime

Here’s a great ad campaign idea: A series of funny spots by retired General Stanley McChrystal touting his favorite beer.

OTB Radio – Tonight at 5:30 Eastern

Retired Special Forces colonel and Defense Senior Executive Pat Lang joins us to talk about — well, you know damned well what we’ll be talking about.

Time For A Fat President ?

Is it time to elect a President that doesn’t have that “lean and hungry look” ?

McChrystal Fired, Petraeus to Afghanistan

President Obama has relieved General Stanley Chrystal of command of ISAF.

Elliot Spitzer Gets Prime Time Show On CNN

Client No. 9 will be appearing every weeknight at 8pm Eastern.

New Home Sales Hit Record Low After Tax Credit Expires

The real estate market is returning to normal after being artificially stimulated by a tax credit.

Afghanistan Reboot Needed

Stanley McChrystal is being called to face Obama’s national security team this morning. They should take the opportunity to come up with coherent Afghanistan policy.

McChrystal ‘Stitched Up’ by Rolling Stone?

Are we making too much of Stanley McChrystal’s remarks?

The Real News From The McChrystal Interview: The Troops Aren’t Happy

Stanley McChrystal’s fate is the story of the day, but there’s a broader message in the Rolling Stone story, and it has broad implications for the future of the Afghan War.

Question Of The Day: Will He Stay Or Will He Go ?

There’s really only one story in Washington, D.C. today, and Stanley McChrystal is the star player.