Ben Bernanke: GOP Spending Cuts Will Not Harm Economic Growth

Speaking before Congress yesterday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke debunked the assertion that the GOP’s relatively modest $61 billion spending cut package would significantly harm economic growth.

The Size of Government Is a Non-Issue: A Late Night, Caffeinated Manifesto

It’s not the size of your government that counts — it’s what you do with it that matters.

Getting Rid Of Gaddafi May Not Be As Easy As You Think

Establishing a no-fly zone isn’t likely to be enough to remove the current Libyan regime from power.

What Happened to the Middle Class?

Americans had it so much better in the 1950s, right?

“In lieu of flowers…..make a donation to ANYONE running against Barack Hussein Obama”

In lieu of flowers, at Jim’s request, please make a donation to ANYONE running against Barack Hussein Obama

Helium Reserves, Cutting Spending, and Prudence

The privitization of Federal helium reserves is a textbook example of the damage to the nation that can be caused by imprudent budget cutting.

Corporations Don’t Have Privacy Rights

Sometimes the most sensible result can be the hardest to reach. This isn’t one of those times.

Wisconsin and Practical Politics (Not to Mention Compromise)

Why can’t the Wisconsin Stand-off end in compromise?

Cutting Federal Workforce Costs Money?

The most likely cuts in federal spending are likely to actually increase the deficit over time.

Levin Blogging