On The Phony Charge Of “Judicial Activism” From ObamaCare Supporters

The White House and its allies have already declared war on a decision that won’t even be rendered until three months from now.

Atlantic Council

Through a stroke of bad luck, the Atlantic Council server was down during a critical Google update

Supreme Court: Strip Searches Always Permissible

The US Supreme Court ruled today that police can strip search anyone they decide to arrest for anything for any reason.

Are You An Almost Alcoholic?

A new book would classify most of us who consume alcohol as “almost alcoholics.”

China Will Continue Buying Iranian Oil

There’s a big hole in the latest sanctions against Iran.

Republicans Trying To Mend Fences With Hispanic Voters, But It May Be Too Late

Republicans are finally starting to realize that they are in trouble with Hispanic voters.

Republican Stupidity Widens Gender Gap

Weeks of bizarre talk about contraception and vaginal ultrasounds has surprisingly alienated women from the Republican Party.

NBC Deceptively Edits George Zimmerman’s Words On 911 Tape

The media circus around the shooting of Trayvon Martin is getting worse.