Electoral College Tie Possible (But Damned Unlikely)

Nate Silver offers a scenario where Obama and Romney each get 269 Electoral College votes.

It’s the Taxes (Above all Else)

Unseriousness and lack of conservatism from Paul Ryan.

The West Wing And American Politics

Not surprisingly, television and reality don’t really coincide.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Let’s Do The Time Warp Again Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

How Romney Lost The Economy As A Winning Issue

The biggest surprise of the Presidential race to date is the fact that Mitt Romney has lost the edge he once had on economic issues.

The Beginning Of The End Of Polling?

The response rates for opinion polling of all types has become incredibly low.

Your Taxes Are Going Up

Annie Lowrey reminds us that our taxes will likely rise in January regardless of who wins the November election.

How Virginia Went From Red To Purple

Virginia went Republican in every presidential contest from 1968 to 2004. It’s likely to vote for Barack Obama again five weeks from now.

Romney’s Middle East Policy Op-Ed

Where’s the beef?

Do Presidential Debates Even Matter?

There’s little evidence that Presidential debates can be game changers.

OTB Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM