American Like Me

A reporter poses as an American tourist in Toronto, and uncovers the “ugly Canadian”.

First, I approached John, sitting on a stoop smoking, a Toronto hat on his head. I asked for a lighter, introduced myself and said I’d noticed anti-Americanism in Toronto. He asked if I was a Republican and I said I was. Then John asked, “Are you a fundamentalist of some kind?”

“This is Kensington Market,” he added. “It’s about the worst place for fellow right- wingers.” After I thanked him for his time and started walking away, he instructed, “Reconsider your views.”

Via Neale News

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Kate McMillan
About Kate McMillan
Kate McMillan is the proprietor of small dead animals, which has won numerous awards including Best Conservative Blog and Best Canadian Blog. She contributed nearly 300 pieces to OTB between November 2004 and June 2007. Follow her on Twitter @katewerk.


  1. For many Canadians, the effort to verbally make the distinction between Canada and America is the only thing they have to differentiate their country from our own. Many Canadians hate the fact that they are completely, utterly dependent on the United States across the board–economically, militarily, culturally, and technologically.