Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM


REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic (IRAQ)

Winners will be announced Thursday PM

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. “Got the camera? Cool! Now, let’s go fine a cliff?”

  2. Obviously, fine = find.

  3. Maggie Mama says:

    An Army of one.

  4. Maggie Mama says:

    The softer side of slaying.

  5. DL says:

    The anti-gun left was right – people who own guns are animals.

    Walk softly and carry a big caliber.

    Tough love!

  6. DL says:

    And I can strip it down in the dark with my tail…

  7. G.A.Phillips says:

    Puppies of war?

  8. G.A.Phillips says:

    Sleeping off a super vitamin pill.

  9. Elmo says:

    Racist baby killers! How dare they demean Islam (a dog for crying out loud). I can’t wait until Obama stops all these attrocities and war crimes (try some decaf there Elmo).

    Wherever I lay my hat, that’s my home.

    Getting the dog you want? …. Good luck Malia and Natasha. You say you wanna Golden Doodle? I think CFC (Control Freak in Chief) has already stated it’s gonna be a (pc) pound rescue (welcome to your nightmare).

  10. FormerHostage says:

    Devil Dog apprentice.

  11. Michael A says:

    Getting some much needed rest while another stands for the second Dog Watch.

  12. Houston says:

    “Got the camera? Cool! Now, let’s go fine a cliff?”

    That’s pretty disgraceful. Why bother even posting?

  13. Anderson says:

    Tonight on 20/20: Have the demands of the Iraq war “lowered” recruiting standards, or is the Army accepting recruits who are merely “different”?

  14. Timothy Sweetser says:

    Critics questioned the effectiveness of the newly deployed mobile puppy brigade, citing excessive napping and lack of kibble as potential drawbacks. Supporters rejoined that this is exactly the kind of bold new stroke needed to turn the tide in the War on Terror, and that this “shock and awwwww, look it’s a cute little puppy!” campaign will undoubtedly root out the terrorists and have them running in fear.

  15. G.A.Phillips says:

    Talk about a dog face.

  16. Rachel Edith says:

    “I found him yesterday. His name? Peace On Earth. But he pees a lot so his name has a double meaning.”

  17. Dave Schuler says:

    Sleep in heavenly peace.

  18. Rob M says:

    It’s a dog eat dog world….I’m stepping it up a notch.

    It’s a dog eat dog world….who’s got your back?

    If your not the lead dog the view never changes.

  19. Floyd says:

    A pup’s gotta be prepared….

  20. Floyd says:

    Apup’s gotta be prepared….

    C:\Documents and Settings\Preferred Customer\My Documents\My Pictures\funny pictures\ShowLetter.gif

  21. Floyd says:

    A pup’s gotta be prepared….

    C:\Documents and Settings\Preferred Customer\My Documents\My Pictures\funny pictures\ShowLetter.gif

  22. Floyd says:

    sorry I couldn’t make that work, it’s really good.

  23. Phil Smith says:

    Too many puppies with guns in their hands.
    Too many puppies in foreign lands.
    Are dressed up sharp in suits of green and
    Placed upon the war machine.

    Les Claypool

  24. When Polly’s in trouble I am not slow, it’s hip, hip, hip, and… yawn… zzzzz…

  25. Scooby don’t.

  26. Cry “Havoc!” and let sleep the dogs of war.

  27. Perhaps it is best to let sleeping dogs lie, especially when they are so well armed.

  28. I know somebody who won’t be first dog after being photographed with those scary looking assault rifles.

  29. AKC meets AK47.

  30. Dog. Hat.
    In French, chien chapeau.
    In Spanish, el perro in a sombrero…

  31. The paws that refreshes.

  32. LFC says:

    Perhaps our military recruiters have relaxed their standards just a wee bit too much?

  33. Bithead says:

    * He was their medic, having been taught to heal.

    * After several hours of playing poker, Charlie decided he’d better get some rest, but not before arranging some protection for his winnings.

    * They took your dog home in a people bag.

  34. John425 says:

    In Afghanistan: Happiness is a warm puppy and an automatic weapon.

  35. rodney dill says:

    In Afghanistan: Happiness is a warm puppy and an automatic weapon.

    Bang Bang Poop Poop

  36. This puppy’s not going into Glenn Reynold’s blender.

  37. Cowboy Blob says:

    IED: Irresistible Exhausted Doggie.

  38. Timmer says:

    Cutez, I haz it.
    2d Amendment Cred, I haz it.
    Hate for Scrappy Doo, I has it.
    What’s not to love?

  39. Elmo says:

    Global Captions …

    Korea: Pass the sweet and sour BBQ sauce please.

    Iran: Pig dog infidel Joo spy.

    1600 Pennsylvania Ave: You’ll get the dog I pick, and like it!

    Beverly Hills: A mutt … what is this some kinda joke?

  40. Elmo says:
  41. DL says:

    Each new puppy recruit understood that if they got shot and died there would be 72 bitch puppies waiting for them.

  42. elliot says:

    Sarge: SOLDIER!! Where are your dog tags?

  43. A symbol of peace buried beneath symbols of war.

    “Let me outta here, Obama!”

  44. Paul Barnes says:

    With the economic downturn, the US military redefines the meaning of “guard dog”.

  45. My pup tent is wherever I lay my head.