Posts by Steven L. Taylor

Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a Professor of Political Science and a College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


This timeline is just so weird.

This Reactionary Moment

Continuing the conversation from James Joyner’s post.

A Photo for Friday: “Gateway”

After a two week hiatus, the PFF returns,

Compare and Contrast

Trump’s words on Monday versus, well, almost every other time he speaks…

Trump in El Paso Trump in El Paso

What’s Wrong with this Picture?

Trump’s trip to El Paso in one photo and two videos.

A Note on the Hurd Retirement

The odds have increased all border districts will be represented by Democrats after 2020.

An Observation on the Mueller Testimony

On documents and the degree to which they speak for themselves.

A Photo for Friday: “Cards”

In memoriam.

A Serious Threat to Higher Education in Alaska

After a series of line item vetoes, the University of Alaska is facing a 41% cut in state funding.

A Reminder that Institutions Matter

Some key numbers.

Basic Democratic Models

Presidential v. parliamentary democracy, some basics.

No, 0.3% of UK Voters are not Choosing the Next PM

The NYT provides an incredibly bad take on parliamentary government.

The Least of These

Christian doctrine actually has a lot to say that is of relevance to the border.

Cruelty is the Point of Trump’s Border Policy

Not a new observation, but one that should not be forgotten.

A Fourth of July Thought

Ideas, not tanks.

Whither Electoral Reform?

Change isn’t likely.

Voter Suppression in Florida

Let’s call it what it is.

Putin: “The liberal idea has become obsolete.”

The latest in the wars against liberalism.

Revisiting the JCPOA

A possible way forward?

Trumpian Ignorance

It burns.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump’s Art of the Threat

The latest is about deportations

Let’s Take a Breath on Iran

Bret Stephens (and others) are overreacting.

Graham is Wrong

This time on Venezuela

The Iowa Caucuses Need to Go

A quadrennial reminder.

Governing? What’s That?

There isn’t a lot of legislating going on.

More Tales from the Trade War

This time: India.

thinker statue facepalm thinker statue facepalm

More Hackery: This Time from Hugh Hewitt

His colum in WaPo isn’t very good.

Line of the Day

Trump’s negotiation style edition.

Looking to One Sentence about the Tariffs on Mexico

Either Trump doesn’t understand what he is talking about, or he thinks his supporters are dumb.

thinker statue facepalm thinker statue facepalm

Forays into Hackery (Tucker and Derschowitz)

Wherein I explore the notion that ignorance is bliss.

A Critique of Mueller that Misses the Point

Perhaps NRO’s Charles W. Cooke needs to read the report (and do a better job of putting Mueller’s statements in context).

The Power of the Spoken Word

Yesterday’s press event with Robert Mueller underscores the importance of congressional testimony.

Bremmer’s Tweet was Stupid

Making up a Trump quote just gives cover to the real ones.

Let me Help Senator Graham out

Let’s look at the Mueller Report, shall we?

A Duty to Impeach?

Does the House have an obligation to proceed with impeachment?

The True Cost of Trade Wars

The cost of Trump’s trade policies are well beyond the cost of soy beans.

Today in Terrible Electoral College Columns

No, abolishing the EC would not turn farmers into serfs.