Posts by Steven L. Taylor

Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a Professor of Political Science and a College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter

Obama got Punk’d

Rick Perry: The Candidate of Hope and Change?

Ricky Perry is running on “hope and change” (but what else is new?)

Design and Intent: Some Musing about the Constitution

We often conflate intentionality with design. However, even designers may not fully understand how what they have created will work.

Madison and States v. the Central Government

Madison went to Philadelphia wanting to increase the power of the central government over the states (quite a bit, in fact).

Madison, the Philadelphia Convention, and Presidentialism

The US came a lot closer to something resembling a parliamentary system than most people think.

Rubio and Reagan

More examples of fantasy Reagan.

Rubio’s Speech

Rubio may be wowing conservatives audience, but is his rhetoric grounded in reality?

Would Running Spell the End of Palin?

If Palin runs and loses, is that the end of Palin?

The Extremeness of Immigration Politics in Alabama

Many of the clergy in Alabama are not happy with the state’s new immigration law.

Bachmann and the Soviet Union

Does Bachmann think the USSR is on the rise? I expect not, but her defense and fiscal policy skills still need some work.

Trying to State the Texas Jobs Issue as Simply as Possible

What’s the bottom line in the Texas jobs discussion?

Perry v. W

An Open Letter to Sarah Palin Supporters

Comparing Bachmann and Palin in regards to managing the media.

Charts of the Day: Miracles Edition

More on Texas and jobs.

Texas and Employment

Taking an initial look into the Texas economy.

Bachmann and the Definition of “Family”

Further evidence of Bachmann’s extreme views on homosexuality.

On Presidential Power (and More Musings on our System)

Presidents are not a powerful as they seem (and a return to the “are things broken?” theme).

Today in Tautology

Quote for the Day

Mac v. PC

English Riots

Some thoughts on the riots (especially some US partisan responses to it).

The Austerity Experiment

If we cannot adequately diagnose our problems it will be even harder to fix them.

Veto Players and Governance

A political science-y response to the question of whether the system is broken.

S&P Speaks

The main issue driving the downgrade appears to be lack of faith in the political parties to act responsibly and compromise over entitlements and revenues.

An Observation about Rick Perry

Perry has a combo of Tea Party populism and establishment going for him.

You Want to Talk about Something Broken in our Politics?

I got your broken right here: the presidential nomination process.

Tired Tropes: Kickin’ that Can

The problem with the ever popular complaint about kickin’ the can down the road.

Is the System Broken?

Did the debt ceiling debate reveal dysfunctional government?

Explaining the House Republicans

A recent poll provides some insight into congressional behavior.