Even leaving at 0600, the traffic was surprisingly heavy on the toll road and I-66 this morning. I suspect that many, like I did, leave extra early so as to get on I-66 right before 0630, at which point all eastbound lanes become HOV until 0900–forcing all non-motorcycles with fewer than two occupants to drive all the way around the city in stop-and-go traffic. By doing this, I made the trip in 40 minutes rather than the 90 it took yesterday, but wound up at my destination over an hour before I needed to be there; that seems to be the tradeoff, though–either spend the time waiting at the destination or spend it stuck in traffic. I’m glad I don’t have to do that on a regular basis.

On with today’s linkfest. The following made it back to I-66 at precisely 15:59, allowing them to actually use the interstate highway their taxes fund:

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.