Carol Moseley-Braun‘s advice on Iraq:

Braun, a one-term U.S. senator from Illinois and former ambassador to New Zealand, said the Bush administration’s “bravado and arrogance” had undercut the war against terrorism by alienating U.S. allies whose help is vital to that effort.

“It’s just astonishing how badly they have bungled our international relations that we have historically enjoyed,” Braun said in an interview with reporters and editors of The Washington Post.

But Braun, who opposed going to war in Iraq, added that “at this point we have an obligation not to cut and run, to stay and at least leave Iraq in no worse condition than we found it.” She said that could be accomplished by persuading the United Nations and NATO to join the United States in stabilizing Iraq and rebuilding its civil society.

Simply brilliant!

It’s keen insights like that that have made her the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination:

Two key advisers resigned Friday, and yesterday Braun announced that she had hired Patricia Ireland, former president of the National Organization for Women, to run the campaign. NOW and the National Women’s Political Caucus have both endorsed Braun, but that so far has not translated into an infusion of campaign contributions.

But Braun said in the interview that she expects to win convention delegates in all the states and to “cobble together a group of delegates that are going to take us to the convention.” She also said the party’s nominee may not be decided until the Democratic National Convention in Boston next July.

“I think there are so many candidates and the party is so conflicted that this may be the first convention-driven situation in quite a while,” she said.

Braun said she has consistently refused to predict where she will finish in the early contests. But asked yesterday whether she expected to finish third or fourth in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, she said, “I hope to do at least that, yes.”

The Letter of the Day is….

“I” is for Idiot, Indeed

FILED UNDER: Iraq War, Terrorism, , , , , , , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. What is even better is that the press release said that Braun had *appointed* Ireland.
