Caption Contest

Time for The Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

REUTERS/Petr Josek

Winners will be announced Thursday PM

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. SteveL says:

    Dean supporters sing his praises.

  2. McGehee says:

    The Clown College Glee Club sings their fight song, “Send in the Clowns.”

  3. spacemonkey says:

    And with their song ended, the Insane Clown Posse was off on another murderous rampage.

  4. Richard Arnone says:

    Republican moles, cleverly disguised as Democrat party bigwigs, gleefully endorse Dean as DNC Chairman

  5. McTrip says:

    Among the many tests that prospective Democrat contenders for the party’s nomination in 2008 must now undergo is synchronised “deaning” : igniting popular interest with a rebel yell.

  6. Myopist says:

    Sam, maybe it’s just because we went to Minas Tirith and Rivendell and Moria and everything, but I gotta tell you: Hobbit ceremonial wedding costumes suck ass.

  7. Duffer says:

    The Kerry Inaugural Choir looking surprisingly cheerful considering………

  8. French Special Forces plan for deployment in Darfur.

  9. Scott_T says:

    The Carnival Quartet practice before their audition at the World Barbershop Quartet competition held at an off-off-off Broadway The-a-ter.

  10. McGehee says:

    “…and the most important value of all in our organization: ‘In all things, dignity!‘”

  11. Kerry supporters and the magic, lucky hat!

  12. And remember the shiny side goes inside, as otherwise the decorations won’t stick to the tin foil.

  13. spd rdr says:

    Sporting updated duds to kick off their 2005 reunion tour, DEVO performs an acapella version of “Uncontrollable Urge.”

  14. Maniakes says:

    We represent the Lolipop Guild, the Lolipop Guild, the Lolipop Guild.

  15. Purple Raider says:

    “No one expects …

    The Spanish Inquisition.”

  16. Bithead says:

    Attempt#1: Logically, the explorers assumed, the canibals would never attack them.

    Attempt #2: Hi! I’m Boppo!

    Attempt #3:Microsoft goes public announcing the latest version of Windows.

    Attempt #4 With this picture, the world now better understands why the Democrats are a few clowns short of a circus.

    Attempt #5: Wheezo, Boppo, Bongo, and Beeper celebrate the successful demonstration of the first rapid- fire Clown Machine Cannon.

    Bonus Attempt #6: The next logical extension of liberalised definition of ‘being married’.

  17. Purple Raider says:

    The remnants of the Eagles victory party.

  18. Faced with a growing problem, Congress once again begins getting pressure to ban reproductive clowning.

  19. Osama’s latest spin-off effort: Al-Gayda.

  20. sgtfluffy says:

    the 85th Moonbat brigade rally in song before the attack the blogs.

  21. Loon says:

    French Special Forces troops compare notes about their new desert camoflague uniforms designed by Christian Lacroix.

  22. T. Lung says:

    Fortunately for the photographer, the Swiss Guards projectile vomit squad had exhausted their supply of ammunition.

  23. JW says:

    Al-Zarquawi decides that drunken infidel suicide bombers are worse than no suicide bombers at all after he sees the results of his first-ever recruiting push in New Orleans during Mardi Gras.

  24. Jufray says:

    While kneeling in the traditional initiation ceremony, male Democtrats prepare for their “money shot”.

  25. Hodink says:

    “Remember how I told you that I have some lunatic friends and how they’d do anything to embarrass me? Well, look outside.”

  26. McTrip says:

    The demographics from Detroit suggested that the ‘ALL NEW Four Tops’ revival tour would be a tough sell……

  27. Dougrc says:

    The new recruits for Paris brigade of the French Foreign Legion sport their new United Nations uniforms as they prepare for extended deployment to Nice. Viva la….oh forget it!

  28. Patrick Deck says:

    Senate Liberal Democrats heckle Swarzeneggar over Girly Men remark