Caption Contest

Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

I didn’t set out to pick on Condi again so soon, but this picture was just too good.

Photo by Kimimasa Mayama/Reuters

Winners will be announced Thursday PM

Also This picture I swiped from Drudge that I couldn’t find the original reference for.

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. Michael says:

    Seriousry, she kicked my ass, and she rooks great in a diaper.

  2. Fersboo says:

    I’m dead sexy!

  3. Isn’t that Akebono, the famous Hawaiian sumo wrestling star, that M. Rice is embracing?

  4. Damn girl, I could eat you up–no, seriously, I’m really freakin’ hungry!

  5. McGehee says:

    “I promised myself since I was a little girl, I could never love a man that I could wrap my arms all the way around.”

  6. McGehee says:

    “I told her my manhood was in proportion to my waist size, and she believed me!”

  7. Mark says:

    No, no, no lady! For the last time, I am NOT Reuben Stoddard.

  8. Hodink says:

    Condi Rice has grown an extra head with a man’s haircut. Condi has hired a suma wrestler to hush the extra head since it talks like a parrot and has been heard to say, ‘Condi likes it wild in the sack.’

  9. Scott_T says:

    Rice: Whew! I’m so glad I listened to that Anna Nicole … whatever her last name is, and stayed on TrimSpa.

    He’s four times the woman I am.

  10. Wesley says:

    So, you last name is Rice? I wonder if you taste good, bitch!

  11. Karl Maher says:

    Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and lefty blogger Oliver “Fat Boy” Willis agree to disagree: Sushi for her, Kobe beef for him. And lots of it.

  12. The Man says:

    One of these two is full of hot air and likes to throw their weight around, the other is a sumo wrestler.

  13. Michele Delo says:

    “ah, the michael moore award? i really owe it all to bill, for introducing me to those big macs…..”

  14. T. Lung says:

    “Hey, Konishiki, 47 cheeseburgers to go….and hold the rice….

  15. Duffer says:

    Culinary note – large sushi roll and condiment.

  16. McTrip says:

    “Now, gentlemen of the press, this is what a healthy North Korean should look like….”

  17. Bubba Smith says:

    We saw Nadia Comanche being almost nudely doing her routine at The Stripper Pole ! She accepted Prince Harry’s Marriage Proposal ! Okay , Condi !Let’s Give Her The Old College Try : You Go , Girl !

  18. Bubba Smith says:

    We both saw Nadia Comanche doing the Stripper Pole barefooted and being nudely at that ! That is , at the The Cheetah Club !

  19. Jufray says:

    My secretary is VERY pleased.

    Thank you!


  20. Garry says:

    Wait until I get you home and the fun will realy start.

  21. For the first picture:

    “Wow, Odd Job, you were right–You can hit John Kerry from all the way over here.”

  22. Today’s Sushi Special: Large Hawaiian Roll with side of Rice — $5.99

  23. Jufray says:

    Brawn & Brains

  24. Rachel Edith says:

    Condi and Mr. Roni get a big laugh at their nuptial announcement … Rice-A-Roni®.