Caption Contest Winners

The Barack Magic Woman Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

(Jim Bourg/Reuters)

The Winners:

First: Su BertonI have a Dream!

Second: CowBoy Blob“Once you go Barack, you never go back!”

Third: Gollum Obama: “Two words you will never hear me say: lockbox.”

Honorable Mention:

arky – “And I have learned from reliable sources that the chair behind the desk in the Oval Office will accomodate asses no wider than this…”

MattWow, he’s even more “presidential” than Bill!

charles austin“Missed it by that much.”

physics geek“So Senator Clinton, was the cigar this big?”

The ‘She Said, He Said’ Award Winner

tammy swofford
Her: I wonder if he has noticed that I look like Jackie Kennedy with these pearls?
Him: I wonder if she realizes she looks like Eleanor Roosevelt in that suit

Rodney’s Bottom of The Barrel

“Rather taken with the Enumclaw movie, at Cannes, weren’t we Obama?”

“I meant experiences with VP Dick Cheney related to governance, not personal encounters, Obama.”

“Yes Obama, I have a bigger prick… Bill is Six-foot-two”

Next on Mythbusters, Jamie and Adam try to put an end to the old myth….

The Thursday Contest has already checked out last weeks contest.

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. Anjin-San says:

    Gee, thinly veiled racism. Now that’s a shocker!

  2. Bithead says:

    Oh, please.
    EVERYTHING is thinly veiled racism… The question of whether not it’s good or bad, to liberals, is answered by whether not a liberal is uttering it.

    It’s called a sense of humor. You may want to look into it.

  3. Anjin-San says:

    The question of whether not it’s good or bad, to liberals, is answered by whether not a liberal is uttering it.

    Oh to see the world with the magnificent simplicity that bit views it with. No wonder the man admires bush.

    Actually bit, most of the folks you refer to as “liberals” find racism to be ugly no matter where it is coming from.

    As for humor, well most of us found that sort of thing to be funny when we were in the 8th grade. Then most of us outgrew it. That you did not is not really a surprise.

    As for a sense of humor, I have written material for several professional comedians, so I am pretty sure I know what one is.

    I have no doubt that you bit, would find the fart jokes the president is so enamored of to be side splitting…

  4. Gee whiz, the trolls now demand ideological purity on caption contests. Take me now.

  5. Anjin-San says:

    Nothing to do with ideology at all Charles, its called not being a jerk, as in a jerk who hides racial crap behind alleged humor.

    Tell ya what Charles, head on over to to East Oak and tell some Obama jokes to the cats who hang out there. See how that works for you.

  6. Rodney Dill says:

    Dang, and I was going for thinly veiled sexism, but then Anjin-San’s never been the sharpest tool in the shed.

  7. Bithead says:

    Nothing to do with ideology at all Charles, its called not being a jerk, as in a jerk who hides racial crap behind alleged humor.


    Actually bit, most of the folks you refer to as “liberals” find racism to be ugly no matter where it is coming from.

    So tell us where you’re axed is for the L.A. times when they’re and the “Barack the Magic Negro” bit.

    Oops, huh?
    I will not hide my contempt.
    If liberals want to understand more clearly why the rest of the world isn’t taking them seriously, here’s a prime example.

    if you any taken seriously as an adult, try becoming one first.

  8. Anjin-San says:


    Since you don’t have a clue about what I think of the LA Times thing (written by assholes) I will just assume you are, as usual, running off at the mouth. Dude, if you did not have contempt for me, I would have trouble sleeping.

    As for “the world” not taking liberals seriously, well how did your party do right here in the USA in the last election?

    As for me being a “liberal” well, there you go again. I voter for Reagan, twice. Looking forward to reading his diaries. Unlike your hero, george the small, he was a real man and a good, probably great President.

  9. Anjin-San says:

    I dunno Rodney, maybe all you are guilty of is just not being funny. I give the same advice I did Charles, find some brothers and work on your comedy routines with them.

    But something tells me you are the kind of guy who only talks smack while safely hidden behind his computer…

  10. Alpha Dog says:

    Gee, explicitly blatant stupidity from anjinsan, Now that’s a shocker!

  11. Anjin-San says:

    A guy who actually refers to himself as Alpha Dog! Now that’s funny.

  12. William d'Inger says:

    A guy who actually refers to himself as Alpha Dog! Now that’s funny.

    Man, that’s the kettle calling the pot black. Don’t you know that using the honorific “-san” when referring to yourself is a linguistic faux pas? It is considered to be the hallmark of a pompous dolt. In the worst case, it’s considered to be a sign of mental illness. In the West, we’d call it a Napoleon complex. In normal usage, you’d call yourself Anjin, and people addressing you would append the -san.

  13. Anjin-San says:


    Just the name of a character I liked in a book, kind of has a nice flow. I don’t speak Japanese and I don’t spend much time thinking about what to call myself on blogs. (a discourse that probably does not qualify as normal usage)

    Now if someone were to refer to them self as “the commander guy” or “the decider”, that would be kind of scary. Maybe even a sign of Napoleon complex or mental illness. You would have to worry about the supporters of such a man…

  14. William d'Inger says:

    OK, Anjin-San, I’m cool with that. It’s your handle, so I’ll use it in whatever way you prefer.

  15. Bithead says:

    As for me being a “liberal” well, there you go again. I voter for Reagan, twice

    Nothing special about that…The landslide reagan won by tells us that even the Democrats of the day, knew that Jimmy Carter was an abysmal failure, regardless of what the left tries to play him up as today…. and by extention, Mondull, as well. If you’re trying to impress, it ain’t happening.

    Since you don’t have a clue about what I think of the LA Times thing (written by assholes)

    TRanslation: Unlike the NY TImes, they can’t always be deneded upon to tilt at leftist windmills. that, however, still makes the point of where your reaction was to this story originally? Or is your higher reserved for Limbaugh, and caption contests?

    And by the way, I hereby charge you with being racist against whites. After all, you’re making fun of George Bush. All, wait, you mean that door doesn’t swing both ways?

  16. Anjin-San says:


    really dude, try and move beyond cartoon world. “the left” “liberals” etc. are not some monolithic block that thinks and moves as one. No large, or even medium size group is. The real world is quite a bit more complicated then that. Your reliance on these sort of labels is a sign of intellectual laziness. No wonder you dig Bush.

    If my support for Reagan had simply been a clothespin vote, then you would have a point. But the fact that I will tell anyone who will listen that I think he was a fine President and a hell of a guy kind of give lie to your analysis of my support for him.

    I liked Reagan. I was supporting Gov. Dean when he was still Gov. of Vermont. My ideas about politics and politicians are not simplistic, cookie cutter notions. That I leave to you. I am more interested in a leaders ability to effect positive change. That sure as hell leaves your boy Bush out.

  17. Bithead says:

    Tell you what, Anji, when you come in here arguing for conservative ideas and ideals, I’ll consider it. But point by point, every time you’ve taken up an argument it’s for the POV of the hard left. When you get called on it, as in this case, you try trotting out questionable bonafides about how you’re really not a liberal.

    Sorry, no sale.

  18. Anjin-San says:


    Conservative ideals? You mean like the war on freedom and unlimited government spending that Bush represents? LOL…

    bit I suspect you don’t really even have a clue what liberalism and conservatism really are. You have been spoon fed a bunch of crap by talk show hosts and lapped it up as if it were cream. You are just kind of a bundle of fear and anger, and “liberals” are something to focus these feelings on.

  19. Bithead says:

    I rest my case.

    Oh, to see the world through the simplistic filters Anjin-San obviously employs.

  20. Anjin-San says:


    You really need to learn the difference between “resting your case” and “proving your case”. Also, swiping my lines from the same thread… really dude, at least try to be clever. Oh wait, maybe you were trying, just trying and failing.

  21. Rodney Dill says:

    I think you take this one Bithead, you nailed it when you identified Anjin’s liberal tendendies. Anjin had to ‘Alter’ definitions to even try to appear he was right, and failed miserably at it even then. On top of that he made unsubstantiated insinuations of racism, he continues to Slam Bush, even though none of the post was about Bush to begin with, he hides behind his computer and pseudonym while throwing out that this is what others are doing. He is Culturally insensitive himself, misusing the “-San” honor reference. I’m sure his venom could go on and on but there would be little point as Anjin would just continue to pile insult on insult with no rational content.