Caption Contest Winners

The Target Dog Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

REUTERS/Phil McCarten


First: McCain – A heroic Al Gore attempts to push the world a little farther from the sun.

Second: MarkIs this the gesture you’re referring to? I don’t know because I’m not Italian…

Third: BitheadWhat am I doing in this tunnel, and what’s that light?

Honorable Mention:

ChrisIf they like this mime in a shrinking box bit, they’re gonna go nuts when I start walking against the wind!

Maggie – Al-Gore still can’t do the Macarena!

charles austin“I, for one, welcome our new Islamic overlords.”

FersbooBaby got back!

fire on the mountain10 different recounts and we finally found the one that really elected me President.

DAveD – Despite an earlier reluctance to do so, Al Gore finally clarifies what size lockbox he had been talking about.

charles austinAnd then, like Daphne pursued by Apollo, Al Gore suddenly sprouted leaves and roots, though, admittedly, this was an almost daily occurrence for Al and was not cause by the divine intervention of Peneus.

Rachel Edith – “It was good while it lasted but I am through inventing stuff.”

Ne Plus Ultra Award

radio free fred – “I Invented The Internet, Tree Hugging And Rodney Dill.”

Rodney’s Bottom of The Barrel

“Just bear with me a little longer, the Florida recount’s almost finished, just 10 more votes and I’m President.”

“Whaddya mean they traced my ballot to a vote for Buchanan?”

The The Monday contest has already invented the internet Schnauzer Browser.

Other Contests running this week
Riding Sun is searching the horizon for new Vistas.
OTB Hollywood is still looking for Oscar.

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Rodney Dill
About Rodney Dill
Rodney is an IT Implementation Consultant in the Motor City and working within the Automotive Industry. He contributed to OTB from November 2004 until retiring in July 2017, hosting some 1200 OTB Caption Contests.


  1. I Had A Great Day!!!!!!…..Thanks Again Rodney!

  2. “McCain You Hit A Bulls Eye….Nailed It….Good Job….Are You Really Going To Run For President?

  3. McCain says:

    Hey look, first place! Whoppeeeeee.

    Sure I’m running just as fast the oldest President in history is capable of running.