More on the Absurdity of the Electoral College

A game wherein one team has to score more points to win than does the other.

On the Act of Voting

A discussion of what #NeverTrump means, on Sanders v. Trump, and some about the philosophy of voting.

Douthat Attempts a Defense of the Electoral College

Ultimately, it isn’t a very good one.

The Basic Democratic Problem in Wisconsin

Current attempts to take power away from the state executive branch illustrates a lot of what I have been writing about for years.

The US’ Flawed Democracy

Forget the “republic v. a democracy” abstraction. The numbers show some serious flaws in translating popular will into government.

The “A Republic, not a Democracy” Library

A reference point for the future.

On German Democracy

Negotiations over government formation is not a crisis.

More EC Fun

A Second First Impression: Greetings!

In which I use a lot of words to say hello.

Rules Matter Yet Again: SCOTUS Strategizing

Dare I say: hate the game, not the players?

Unopposed in House Elections

Looking into uncontested and partially contest House districts from the 2014 cycle.

Against the Electoral College II: Not As Framers Intended

In the first entry in this series we looked at a basic question of democratic theory. In this one, we look at whether the EC ever worked as the Framers intended.

No More Minnesotas