Clintons Release Tax Returns at Perfect Time

Taegan Goddard argues that Hillary Clinton’s release of seven years of tax returns just after four yesterday was smooth.

Tactically, it’s a perfect time to release them — especially if there’s any controversial news in the documents.

    1. News coverage will continue to focus on the 40th anniversary of the Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination.
    2. There are still more than two weeks until the Pennsylvania primary.
    3. It buries the story about chief strategist Mark Penn’s conflicts of interest.
    4. Many people are more interested in watching the Final Four and first weekend of baseball season.
    5. It’s Friday.

Certainly, she learned something in all those years in the White House. Controlling the timing of news is a time-honored strategy of political communication. Ronald Reagan’s time elevated it to a high art and the Clinton administration built on that legacy.

My guess is that, if there’s anything really interesting in there — aside from the fact that they’re filthy, stinkin’ rich ($109 million ain’t bad for seven years) — we’ll hear about it. It’s the Obama campaign’s job to make sure we do.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Dave Schuler says:

    Possibly indirectly but I wouldn’t expect much in the way of direct criticisms from the Obama campaign. In the position that Obama is in now he doesn’t need to comment and doing so would detract from his “audacity of hope” message.

    However, I’m sure there’ll be plenty of non-campaign surrogates ready to pounce on anything of interest and a little backdoor prompting from the campaign if not enough is being said.

  2. Christopher says:

    So what you are saying, James, is that voters, democrat voters in particular, are too stupid to discern newsworthy events if those stories aren’t pasted on the front page or lead off the network news shows.

    As far as most of those morons of which we speak being liberals, I must wholeheartedly agree with you.

  3. Bithead says:

    So what you are saying, James, is that voters, democrat voters in particular, are too stupid to discern newsworthy events if those stories aren’t pasted on the front page or lead off the network news shows

    I’d put it that unless Democrat voters are beat about the head and shoulders relentlessly with the crimes of Democrat pols, Democrat voters tend to ignore such crimes.

  4. Christopher says:

    Good point, Bithead

  5. sam says:

    As far as most of those morons of which we speak being liberals, I must wholeheartedly agree with you.

    Where you been Chris? Your mom take away your computer privileges?