Dick Cheney Not Insane

Dr. Charles Krauthammer, a Harvard trained clinical psychiatrist, argues persuasively that, contra Vanderbilt cum laude English major Michelle Cottle‘s diagnosis, Vice President Dick Cheney is not insane.

I particularly enjoyed this:

What behavior does she cite as evidence of Cheney’s looniness?

(a) Using a four-letter word in an exchange with Sen. Patrick Leahy. Good God, by that standard, I should long ago have been committed and the entire borough of Brooklyn quarantined.

Krauthammer’s peer-reviewed research note on that topic has been widely cited, including here.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Ugh says:

    Wow, he manages to bring up Chappaquiddick.

  2. James Joyner says:

    Wow, he manages to bring up Chappaquiddick.

    An oldie but a goodie!

    And, actually, a rather reasonable case to cite against the idea that Cheney’s waiting a few hours to alert the media about the shooting incident is a sign of insanity.

  3. Ugh says:

    Perhaps, but it might be more relevant had it happened a few years ago, rather than almost 40.

    I’m still wondering why Krauthammer felt the need to rebut the TNR story, no one reads that thing anyway, but now many more will.

  4. James Joyner says:

    I’m still wondering why Krauthammer felt the need to rebut the TNR story, no one reads that thing anyway, but now many more will.

    Krauthammer probably feels a special interest in TNR since he was on its masthead for a number of years.

    I’m not sure nobody reads TNR anymore–heck, I do–but they’ve long had a problem establishing a core identity. In the Kinsley days, they were a “liberal journal” that featured the likes of Fred Barnes. Then they were run by Andrew Sullivan, a conservative. Then they became liberal internationalist. Now they’re trying to be hard-core left in a crowded field. Still, I think they have interesting content on a daily basis, at least in the online version.

  5. I still read TNR and have subscribed to the magazine almost constantly since 1980. Then I’m a masochist, don’t pay attention to what I do.


  6. Anderson says:

    Evil; crazy. Not the same, Ms. Cottle.

  7. Ugh says:

    Krauthammer probably feels a special interest in TNR since he was on its masthead for a number of years.

    That makes more sense.

    Of course I was exaggerating the dearth of TNR’s readership, though compared to the Post’s circulation I imagine TNR’s might as well be zero.

  8. Derrick says:

    Well, I guess if I was wondering who out there is still willing to defend Cheney, I have my answer.

  9. carpeicthus says:

    Nope, just evil. I have little sympathy for anyone making such a diagnosis from afar, with little evidence, and for political reasons. That’s the kind of thing Charles Krauthammer does.

    Wait a second … he’s just trying to keep people from honing in on his hack territory. It makes sense now!