Drew Brees Threatens to Sue Mom Over Campaign Ads

Pro Bowl quarterback Drew Brees has threatened to sue his mom if she doesn’t stop using his likeness in her campaign commercials.

New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees has asked his mother to stop using his picture in TV commercials touting her candidacy for a Texas appeals court. In commercials running on Austin stations, Mina Brees had been using a picture of her son in the uniform of his former team, the San Diego Chargers, to emphasize her ties to football. “I think the major point here is that my mother is using me in a campaign, and I’ve made it known many times I don’t want to be involved,” Drew Brees said Monday.

Mina Brees, an Austin attorney, is running as a Democrat for a spot on Texas’ 3rd Court of Appeals. She said replacement commercials that omit any mention of her son were taped last week and sent to stations on Friday. She said she did not anticipate upsetting her son and that “everything in the ad was true.” She said her connection to football is relevant to her campaign because her father, a successful high school coach, used sports to teach her a strong work ethic that she would bring to the judicial bench.

Drew Brees, who won a state football championship with Westlake High School in suburban Austin, said he got no response from his mother when he first heard about the ads and called her to ask that she stop using them. His agent sent her a letter Oct. 20 threatening legal action, he said. He called his relationship with his mother “nonexistent” after it crumbled six years ago when he refused to hire her as his agent.

Mina Brees said her son’s allegations were a mischaracterization and that she had no intention of becoming his agent. “I love Drew very much, and I’m very proud of him. But sometimes when people are following a career path, they change,” she said.

Wow. This is a pretty sad story no matter how you slice it.

OTB Sports

FILED UNDER: 2006 Election, Law and the Courts, Sports, ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Wickedpinto says:

    “mom, don’t do it”

    mom does it anyways.

    “Mom, really, stop Fing doing it.”

    “Aren’t you just so cute!”

    “really mom, I ain’t called you a B since you grounded me in 6th grade, but if you don’t fix this, I’m gonna call you a B and sue your B ass”

    “It’s clearly just a misunderstanding my little drewy widdle kiddy kins”

    “and so help me god, if you ever call me that again, I’m sending my offensive line into court during your next case dig?”

  2. What is ironic is this is all likely to be part of a losing effort by Mina. Her chances of winning the state wide election are ‘minimal’.

  3. Triumph says:

    Yeah, this is almost as sick as the late Arizona Cardinal Pat Tillman’s family exploiting his murder by Afghan terrorists for the anti-War crowd.

  4. Boyd says:

    I musta missed a news flash, Triumph. Last I heard, Tillman was most likely killed by friendly fire.

    Guess I gotta pay closer attention to the news, ’cause this one slipped by me.

  5. Anderson says:

    I can never remember if Triumph is spoofing or not.

  6. Triumph says:

    I musta missed a news flash, Triumph. Last I heard, Tillman was most likely killed by friendly fire.

    Here’s the “news flash”[ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4815441/ ] :

    U.S. military spokesman Lt. Col. Matthew Beevers said Saturday that Tillman was killed Thursday night in a firefight at about 7 p.m. on a road near Sperah, about 25 miles southwest of a U.S. base at Khost.

    After coming under fire, Tillman’s patrol got out of their vehicles and gave chase, moving toward the spot of the ambush. Beevers said the fighting was “sustained” and lasted 15-20 minutes.

    Beevers said Tillman was killed by enemy fire

    The Pentagon doesn’t lie.

  7. Boyd says:

    Sadly, this post is sufficiently dated that you’ll likely never see this comment, Triumph, but it appears that you’re the one that missed the news flash a month later:


    While I won’t debate your point about the Pentagon not lying, it’s pretty clear that, like any other human endeavor, they make incorrect announcements on occasion. And usually, as in this case, once they figure out they were mistaken, they issue a correction.