Donald Sensing has the right take, methinks:

My first impression is that it is an unworkable morass of bureaucratic gobbledygook that will burden American employers with more federal oversight and paperwork that will do nothing substantive to halt, much less reduce, the influx of illegal immigrants in the US.

Since all previous attempts to deal with this problem have had that outcome, it’s a safe bet.

James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. “…more federal oversight and paperwork that will do nothing substantive to halt, much less reduce, the influx of illegal immigrants in the US…”

    What would give you the idea that this was the goal? Do you really think that between 8 and 14 million illegal workers are daily going about their business only because the authorities haven’t been able to locate them for deportation?

    American employers need, and support, 8 – 14 million workers willing to work under conditions that most American citizens reject (for whatever reason) out of hand.

    Why not admit it, legalize it, tax it, and slowly seek to improve those conditions?

    Kinda like drugs…[GWB could turn out to be that most centrist of politicians]…

  2. James Joyner says:

    I don’t disagree. But reducing the flow of illegals is a stated goal of the policy. We should probably just be more honest about it.

  3. Well, it might reduce the flow of illegals–but only by making them–presto chango–into legal immigrants. Temporarily.

    Honest to gosh, it would be great if we could just discuss this whole thing honestly, and admit that there is a symbiotic relationship going on here . . . I think Bush might be coming as close to telling the truth as a politician is allowed. I hope it turns out to be a Nixon-in-China sort of thing.