Herman Cain: Hey, You What Would Be A Great Idea? Impeaching Obama

Herman Cain’s Presidential campaign may be largely dead in the water, but that doesn’t mean he’s finished saying very odd things:

“That’s a great question and it is a great — it would be a great thing to do but because the Senate is controlled by Democrats we would never be able to get the Senate first to take up that action, because they simply don’t care what the American public thinks. They would protect him and they wouldn’t even bring it up,” Cain said, citing the administration’s position on the Defense of Marriage Act as an impeachable offense.”

This is, of course, a fringe position. But then again, Cain has pretty much always been a fringe candidate, hasn’t he?
FILED UNDER: 2012 Election, US Politics,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. WR says:

    Cain’s campaign has had one purpose — so that Tea Partiers can pretend they might consider voting for him, thus proving that race isn’t the real reason they hate Obama.

  2. Jay Tea says:

    On a purely legal basis, I can cite several “high crimes and misdemeanors” in the Obama administration — at least one directly attributable to Obama himself. So Cain’s got a point.

    Practically speaking, though, it ain’t going nowhere. Sure, the House might muster the simple majority to pass an impeachment, but the trial in the Senate has zero chance in hell of garnering 67 votes.

    Instead, we’ll just have to sit back and see how the various and sundry scandals play out as they’re properly investigated. The NLRB has already refused to comply with House subpoenas on the Boeing South Carolina case, the investigation into Fast and Furious (that directly led to the murder of a US Border Patrol agent and the deaths of at least dozens of Mexicans) is going apace, and the gross politicizing of the Justice Department’s Voting Rights division is coming to the surface, just to name three.

    Then there’s the whole utterly unconstitutional UnWar in Libya, but no one wants to tackle that tar baby… if Congress wanted to challenge Obama on that one, they could in a heartbeat, but they seem content to pretent the War Powers Resolution doesn’t exist as well.

    It’s a bit of red meat. As Joe Biden would say, it’s not a big effing deal.


  3. OzarkHibilly says:

    This is, of course, a fringe position. But then again, Cain has pretty much always been a fringe candidate, hasn’t he?

    The GOP talks of impeaching Obama all the time. I guess that makes them all “fringe”.

  4. OzarkHibilly says:

    @Jay Tea:

    The NLRB has already refused to comply with House subpoenas on the Boeing South Carolina case, the investigation into Fast and Furious (that directly led to the murder of a US Border Patrol agent and the deaths of at least dozens of Mexicans) is going apace,

    Jay, you have to actually tie these directly to the POTUS, which you can not do on either.

    and the gross politicizing of the Justice Department’s Voting Rights division is coming to the surface,

    I have no idea what you are talking about here, but that should not be surprising as I doubt you have any idea what you are talking about either. Either way, seeing your concern with voting rights I am sure you wanted to impeach Bush for the same offense?

  5. An Interested Party says:

    As Joe Biden would say, it’s not a big effing deal.

    Indeed, especially as all those things you named in that laundry list go nowhere…

  6. Jay Tea says:

    @OzarkHibilly: Here’s the Voting Rights mess, as described by a former Federal Elections Commissioner:


    @An Interested Party: They haven’t gone very far now, but they’re still developing. The NLRB refusing to comply with subpoenas is an interesting development, and the ATF promoting the officials who supervised Fast And Furious is another fascinating datum.
