I Suggest Psychiatric Help

Steven G. Brant has put forward the case the Newsweek debacle is actually a Karl Rove conspiracy.

But here’s my point: Newsweek getting “caught” like this has Karl Rove’s stink all over it. Am I the only one who sees this pattern at work?…one that is destroying the credibility of the press? Not that the press hasn’t made its own mistakes (thanks NY Times/Jason Blair)…but when it comes to “big news” stories where The White House gets to shout “How dare you!” because sources turn out to be shady (even though the facts of the story are never refuted)…

Boy where have we heard that one before: the story is true although we can’t verify the facts. Seems Rather familiar to me.

This part got a chuckle out of me,

But here’s my point: Newsweek getting “caught” like this has Karl Rove’s stink all over it. Am I the only one who sees this pattern at work?…one that is destroying the credibility of the press? Not that the press hasn’t made its own mistakes (thanks NY Times/Jason Blair)…but when it comes to “big news” stories where The White House gets to shout “How dare you!” because sources turn out to be shady (even though the facts of the story are never refuted)…

In other words, Newsweek is to blame, at least in part, because they stupidly fell for Rove’s clever ploy.

Of course, if Rove is really this much of a genius, then it truly is all over for the Democrats. There is no way they can beat somebody as clever as Rove.

FILED UNDER: Blogosphere, Media, National Security, US Politics, ,
Steve Verdon
About Steve Verdon
Steve has a B.A. in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles and attended graduate school at The George Washington University, leaving school shortly before staring work on his dissertation when his first child was born. He works in the energy industry and prior to that worked at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the Division of Price Index and Number Research. He joined the staff at OTB in November 2004.


  1. Consipirioitus says:

    Unbelievable! It used to be, “The Devil made me do it”. Now the devil is Rove. True to form, the left wing takes responsibility for nothing.

  2. JR says:

    Rove clever? I suppose so but I prefer conspiratorial, amoral, sneaky, unprincipled and underhanded, with a little sociopathy thrown in.

    They don’t call him turdblossom for nothing.
    In Germany it was Goebbels. In the US it is Rove.

  3. He’s got my vote for Idiot of the Day.

  4. M. Murcek says:

    Rove: Hello, gentlemen – All your toilet are belong to us.

    Newsweek: Someone set us up the Koran…

  5. Steve says:

    Rove: Hello, gentlemen – All your toilet are belong to us.

    LOL. I guess I’m a sucker for toilet humor.

  6. Mikey says:

    Mr. Verdon, JR posting above just proved your point, God bless him.

  7. Lurking Observer says:

    And who is to say that Jayson Blair wasn’t a Rovian plant?

    Indeed, “Raines,” doesn’t that kinda sound like “Rove”?

    Sacre bleu!

  8. the real point is that in this white house `and in this administration people think about them in this manner.

    Rove , Bush, Rumsfeld, and particularly Cheney.

    yes indeed -they do stink- with a treasonous Greed that allows them to do anything to get to the money

  9. LJD says:

    Moonbats need some new material. We got enough of this during the Presidential campaign: “Well, it doesn’t matter what we can prove, because we believe this happened”. So now who’s on a fanatical witch hunt? Perhaps we should use the same line of thinking, in say, prosecuting protestors?