Iranian Schoolbook Discrimination

Iran’s brutal theocratic regime based on 7th century values teaches its children that males and Muslims are superior to females and non-Muslims, a groundbreaking new study reveals.

Iranian Schoolbook Discrimination Study The government of Iran is teaching the country’s children to discriminate against women and minorities, to view non-Muslims with suspicion and contempt, and to perpetuate the regime’s theocratic ideology, Freedom House said in a new report released today.

According to the report, “Discrimination and Intolerance in Iran’s Textbooks,” prejudice is deeply ingrained in the textbooks that make up the core of Iran’s school curriculum. Part of the regime’s deliberate effort to instill specific values in school children, Iran’s textbooks systematically denigrate the importance of women as individuals, neglect minority groups, propagate Shi’ite egocentrism, and encourage hostility toward non-Muslim countries.

In other news, the sky is blue and water is wet.

I suppose it’s worth documenting evil but, really, anyone likely to care about this already knew it and no one who believes Iranian values are on par with the West’s is likely to be dissuaded by the study.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Anderson says:

    I suspect that 1950s American textbooks would merit a scathing report as well.

    If some country does *not* try to indoctrinate its children with ideologically-charged textbooks, I would love to hear of it.

  2. John425 says:

    Anderson- see the textbooks prevalent in the United States today. We have gone from praising America to trashing it.

  3. ftroop says:


    There is definitely overreach, but it’s funny. No country likes to even mention how grossly immoral it was in defending itself or obtaining its territories.

    Look at the US. Even during the 1800s people knew that slavery was repugnant, and that our treatment of the Indians was reprehensible. But we did it anyway. But you’d probably consider telling the objective truth ‘trashing’ America.

    I was reading the other day how Andrew Jackson promised negro slaves their freedom if they fought in the War of 1812. They did, and he broke his promise. Heartbreaking stuff.

    During the American Revolution, slaves ran away to fight for the British, joined the British navy to fight for their freedom against the colonies. My heart sinks at the thought of us as the bad guys. But we surely were the bad guys. Is this ‘trashing’? I hope you don’t think so. It’s just the truth.

    The truth is that just being disinterested is far, far too strong a position to take. And I’d agree that multiculti adherents are biased too, because they believe all cultures are ok as long as it’s not the white west. It’s all so twisted.

    But back to the point. A true history book of American actions could not, would not ever be tolerated. Real history is far too ugly and self-interested. Other countries are just as avaricious, so I don’t believe in some inverse of American exceptionalism, but I hardly would agree with your pat ‘libruls hate America BS.’

  4. yetanotherjohn says:

    I blame Bush.

  5. Tlaloc says:

    I blame Bush.

    Ironically you are a little right even though you meant to be facetious.

    Bush’s foreign “policy” has resulted in Iran moving further to the hard right after a period of growing moderation. It’s unfair to blame bush for the current crop of textbooks in Iran, but he will have played his small part in ensuring the next generation of textbooks are just as bad, if not worse.