Joyner on BBC

I’ll be on BBC World Service radio’s “World Have Your Say” some time between 1:30 and 2 Eastern talking about NATO. I’ll be on for about 5 minutes as part of a rolling discussion on the subject.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. michael reynolds says:

    So. Serving the interests of state-controlled media, eh?

    Congrats. It’s a good step on the pundit ladder.

  2. James Joyner says:

    Thanks. I’ve done BBC and NPR a handful of times without much impact on my pundit career. Either I’m not making enough of an impression or there’s just too many pundits on the air.

  3. michael reynolds says:

    You need to say dumber things. Try a cocktail of psilocybin and estrogen right before you go on. The hallucination-meets-weeping thing worked wonders for Glenn Beck.

  4. James Joyner says:

    I may have actually managed on the BBC appearance. I argued that, while I was adamantly opposed to going in, it would be idiotic to give weapons to amateur rabble of unknown leanings and that, given the obvious end game, we should send in ground troops to oust Gaddafi and be done with it.

  5. jwest says:

    If you’re ever going to be a big-time pundit, you’ll need to study all of my comments and be able to deliver them with conviction.

    Oh, and get a new suit. You’ll sound better if you’re dressed right.