With a lot of help from Kathy Kinsley, I’m back in Moveable Type mode again. I think for good this time!

While the site looks essentially the same–which I intended–it should operate better. I’m still figuring out the features of this system but, for starters:

*The archives are fully and easily searchable using the “Search this Site” feature on the left column. So, if you want to read everything I’ve written about “Geraldo Rivera” you can find it reliably. Or, if you want to see every time I’ve mentioned your site by name, it’s there. (Unless it occured before February 6. The posts from January 31-February 5 weren’t imported by Blogger. I will eventually import them manually for the sake of doing so. They are, of course, available in the Blogger archives until then.)

*The comments are now integrated into the permalinks of the posts and not stored on someone else’s site. Of course, the comments from the old site don’t show up here–but they are preserved in the Blogger Archives section toward the bottom of the left side column.

*The posts are archived individually, monthly, and by category. So, if you want to read everything I’ve written about the “Iraq Conflict” or “Economics” it’s there. For the newer posts, I’ll assign multiple categories when appropriate. Even though the site is new, I had over 1000 posts that I imported from Blogger. It’ll be a while before they all have useful categories.

*There are literally far more features on MT than I’m aware of at this point. I’ll slowly learn them and experiment with them over time. Longtime MT users who have suggestions can feel free to e-mail me with suggestions and/or post them in the Comments below.

James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. sando says:

    Nicely done!