Palin Slams Bloggers in Pajamas

In a recent interview, Sarah Palin derided bloggers as people living in their parents’ basement blogging in their pajamas. Here’s the video:

There is something truly ironic about that, given that the largest bastion of support for drafting Sarah Palin for vice-president was the blog Draft Sarah Palin for Vice-President. The blog has been widely credited with increasing Palin’s exposure within the party, which led to Palin’s nomination. That blog is run by Adam Brickley, who spent a most of the time while he was on the blog working to draft Sarah Palin … living with his parents.

Adding to the irony, as of the time of this writing, there is nothing currently up at Pajamas Media addressing these comments.

FILED UNDER: 2012 Election, Blogosphere, Humor, US Politics,
Alex Knapp
About Alex Knapp
Alex Knapp is Associate Editor at Forbes for science and games. He was a longtime blogger elsewhere before joining the OTB team in June 2005 and contributed some 700 posts through January 2013. Follow him on Twitter @TheAlexKnapp.


  1. Deanna says:

    If people have not figured out by now that when Sarah Palin opens her mouth you can expect one of two things to emerge, then they are truly as ignorant as Sarah Palin!
    One: She is going to lie and do so with abandon that knows no bounds. Clue one would be the bridge to no where that had been debunked numerous times yet she continued and the second would be the plane she “sold” on ebay which in fact she did not sell on ebay. Those are only 2 and the Africa comment not withstanding, there are many many other instances but time and space do not allow.
    Second: She will throw anyone under the bus when they cease to be useful to her.

    Bottom line is that for those who want a leader that is ignorant? will support her. Those who are worried about the state of this nation? are sickened by her.

  2. EJ says:

    When I watched the clip, I saw two things:

    One: The key point–it was gossip reported by major media without any checking.

    Two: The ‘pajamas…parent’s basement’ remark was something injected at the moment (analyze the non-verbals), not the result of thoughtful consideration.

    Momentary blunder? Yes.

    Slam on bloggers? That’s a stretch.

    But by searching on the terms “Palin” and “Biden” at OTB and comparing the respective results, such a stretch is not a surprise.

  3. Bithead says:

    Oh, please, Deanna, spare us the self-rightious vitrol.

    Just watch, folks… the same people who defended Dan Rather on a similar statement will be the ones with fangs exposed on Palin.

    And by the way, Deanna, if you’re going to accuse someone of lying the least you could do is get their words correctly….the least you could do is get your facts correct. She said “I put it on Ebay” not ” I sold it on ebay’.

    Maybe, you’re just ignorant?

  4. Boyd says:

    I don’t think she was slamming all bloggers in pajamas, just those that were attacking her.

  5. anjin-san says:

    Sorry, but Palin is a liar, and not a particularly good one:

    LAUER: But you didn’t think the (Katie Couric) interview was unfair? I mean, the questions were fairly straightforward, weren’t they?

    PALIN: Sure. Yeah. But, you know, questions about, well, you know, “What do you read up there in Alaska?” To me that was a little bit annoying. Because I’m like, what do you mean, what do I read in Alaska? I read the same things that you guys read in New York — and there in LA and in Washington state. What do you mean what I read up there? But anyway, just– just some annoyance, that certainly I’m sure showed through.

    Only problem is that that is not the question Couric asked:

    COURIC: And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this — to stay informed and to understand the world?

    If the GOP wants to remain relevant, a return to the fact-based universe is necessary. One of the key elements of the failure of the Bush administration was its endless ability to believe its own BS. Now we get to live in the wreckage of that particular type of blindness.

  6. sam says:

    Adding to the irony, as of the time of this writing, there is nothing currently up at Pajamas Media addressing these comments.

    They’re probably getting over the shock of the remark and secretly cursing to themselves that a trademark infringement suit against Joan of Wassilia would be unseemly.

  7. Floyd says:

    How naive can you get? Bloggers don’t wear pajamas!

  8. Bystander says:

    Fortunately, the bloggers are at least as thick-skinned as Sarah Palin … right? I mean, sure, getting a little side-comment about sitting in your parents basement in your pajamas might be a little more harsh than having your character (and the character of your family members) trashed and smeared all over the national news on a daily basis – but you bloggers can handle it okay – right?

  9. Wayne says:

    Palin was talking about a single blogger but shouldn’t have use blogger stereotype. That said, I believe many including many in the MSM and Washington haven’t a clue about blogs or bloggers. There is a great deal of garbage out there but there have been a great deal of revelation of relevant information and exposal of phony information as well.

    Not only did you lie about what Palin said but the “Africa” comment has been proven a hoax.

  10. anjin-san says:

    Not only did you lie about what Palin said


    How do you feel about Palin lying about Couric’s newspaper question? Any outrage there?

  11. Anderson says:

    I thought bloggers still living with their parents were Palin’s # 1 constituency.

  12. PrestoPundit says:

    I’m under the impression that Andrew Sullivan blogs naked.

  13. Jsatterfield says:

    The trouble with our Liberal friends is that it not that they Know so much, it’s that they know so much about so little.

  14. anjin-san says:

    is that it not that they Know so much

    The English Language. Use it or lose it.

  15. Wayne says:

    The Couric’s interview was a heavily edited hit piece. Couric was condescending and like many on the left holds Alaska in low regards. Glad to see that you can still mind read and it amazing how it seems to fit your agenda. Excusing Deanna lying and misstatements by “trying” to accuse others of lying is pretty lame.

  16. Wayne says:

    Another thing Anjin, you haven’t shown outrage on Obama lying including promising to take public finance if his GOP opponent did. I also don’t expect you to hold Obama accountable for any lies he says once he is in office. Just another partisan hack.

  17. LaurenceB says:

    The posts are still pretty good, but the quality of comments at OTB has gone way down in the last year or so. Just an observation.

  18. tom p says:

    Not only did you lie about what Palin said but the “Africa” comment has been proven a hoax.

    No Wayne, the Africa comment has NOT been proven a hoax, just the attribution of who MADE it, is a hoax (to Martin Eisenstadt’s great delight)(ME does not exist, and “he” said he was the leak, nothing at all about whether she did or not)

    The English Language is a bitch. Meanwhile, refer to Palin’s own remarks in which she said that the Africa comment was “taken out of context”. (and I beleive her, certainly she has a 5th grade understanding of geography)

  19. tom p says:

    The posts are still pretty good, but the quality of comments at OTB has gone way down in the last year or so.

    LB: in some ways yes, but in others it is a lot more fun. As always, it is not what you say, but how you say it.

  20. anjin-san says:


    You are still ducking the question. Are you excusing Palin lying with a moral equivalence defense?

  21. Wayne says:

    Yes it is very hard to ever prove that nothing never happen. However for one to give any validity to an accusation the accusation should be back up with some facts. The fact that it was “hearsay” from a “suppose” McCain staffer who may be one of those who have a bone to pick with Palin, should have given any reasonable person pause. Now that the identification of said staffer has been proven false, the story hasn’t a leg to stand on. It is about like if I said Obama beats his wife. There is no proof of it but you can’t prove he didn’t. To continue saying Obama beats his wife or Palin said such and such just because you heard someone say so is asinine.

  22. anjin-san says:

    Ok Wayne, you are dismissed.

    Hope the GOP returns to some sort of reality soon. We need two healthy parties to really have good government.

  23. tom p says:

    Yes it is very hard to ever prove that nothing never happen. However for one to give any validity to an accusation the accusation should be back up with some facts…

    Wayne, I am on record here (at OTB) as stating that I do not buy for a second that she did not know Africa is a cotinent. Still, the fact that she has to defend herself against these rather scurrilous comments is rather telling, is it not?

    To quote D.Larison at Eunomia:

    Peter Suderman says that he doesn’t understand this Palin statement:

    Sitting here in these chairs that I’m going to be proposing but in working with these governors who again on the front lines are forced to and it’s our privileged obligation to find solutions to the challenges facing our own states every day being held accountable, not being just one of many just casting votes or voting present every once in a while, we don’t get away with that. We have to balance budgets and we’re dealing with multibillion dollar budgets and tens of thousands of employees in our organizations.

    I have concluded that the problem that so many people have in understanding what Palin is saying is that we make the mistake of assuming that all of the words have some reason for being there. What we have to do instead is decrypt her message by filtering out all of the confusing chatter that keeps her statements encoded and difficult to follow. Let’s take the first sentence, and identify the essential elements in bold:

    Sitting here in these chairs that I’m going to be proposing but in working with these governors who again on the front lines are forced to and it’s our privileged obligation to find solutions to the challenges facing our own states every day being held accountable, not being just one of many just casting votes or voting present every once in a while, we don’t get away with that.
    See? If you just cut out about 60% of what she says, it hangs together nicely. By comparison, the second sentence is a piece of cake. Pretty much every word in the second sentence serves a function. Once reporters and voters acquire sufficient training in Palinonics, there should be no more misunderstandings.

    All clear now, right?

  24. Jim Henley says:

    I still don’t understand how a Team of Mavericks could lose.

  25. anjin-san says:

    I still don’t understand how a Team of Mavericks could lose

    If only they had one more day to get the coal message out…

  26. G.A.Phillips says:

    The posts are still pretty good, but the quality of comments at OTB has gone way down in the last year or so. Just an observation.

    sorry, I can’t afford to play DDO any more so I do this for fun.