Panasonic 150-Inch Plasma TV

Panasonic 150-Inch Plasma TV Photo Panasonic has unveiled a 150-inch plasma television with four times HDTV resolution, Gizmodo reports. This dwarfs the 103-inch plasma they introduced in the summer of 2006.

The specs:

•2k x 4k res, 4x the res of 1080p
•50% less power use via double luminence efficiency — big deal on a set this big.
•You can’t afford this.

Almost certainly true on the last bullet.

We’ve got a 60-inch HDTV set and I can’t imagine doubling, let alone nearly tripling it. Indeed, as I noted when the 103’s were introduced, most of us simply don’t have living rooms big enough to enjoy something that big.

If one had the space and money to house a true home theater setup, though, this would be pretty sweet. Even the more standard big screen HDTVs make it hard to justify watching a movie in a public theater; there would be no reason if you had one of these on your wall.

FILED UNDER: Entertainment, Science & Technology,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. sam says:

    We’ve got a 60-inch HDTV set and I can’t imagine doubling, let alone nearly tripling it. Indeed, as I noted when the 103’s were introduced, most of us simply don’t have living rooms big enough to enjoy something that big.

    Right. I can see the commerical now:

    Smarmy European Architect: And, now, what can I do for you?

    Super-rich American Woman: You can design a house for us around this. [Flunky wheels in 150 inch plasma screen.]

  2. Even the more standard big screen HDTVs make it hard to justify watching a movie in a public theater; there would be no reason if you had one of these on your wall.

    Some movies are better watched in the company of strangers.

  3. Bithead says:

    “I wish I had a house big enough for one of those things.”

    “You kidding? You can’t afford the TV, anyway!”

    “No, I just want the house, ya know?”