Rick Perry Signs On To Family Leader’s “Marriage Pledge”

Just days after participating in their bizarre debate/church revival meeting, Rick Perry became the latest Presidential candidate to sign on to The Family Leaders controversial pledge to defend “traditional marriage”:

Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry has signed the controversial marriage pledge from a social conservative group in Iowa, a spokeswoman said.

“I have received the signed copy,” Julie Summa, Director of Marketing for The Family Leader said. Summa said the Texas governor’s campaign submitted it electronically on Monday and the governor did not modify the document before signing it.

According to the pledge’s text, signers “solemnly vow to honor and cherish, to defend and uphold the institution of marriage as only between one man and one woman.”

Signers also vow to: remain faithful to their spouses, oppose any “redefinition” of marriage, such as that between same-sex couples; and embrace a federal marriage amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Language in the original document, put out in July, sparked some controversy.

Its preamble asserted that African-American children, who were born into slavery, were better off than today’s black children. The group later removed that language.

I can’t say I’m too surprised. Nonetheless, I doubt Perry would’ve done this if he wasn’t floundering in the polls.

FILED UNDER: 2012 Election, US Politics, , , , ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Vast Variety says:

    The state of the GOP just gets sadder by the day.

  2. sam says:

    “I can’t say I’m too surprised. Nonetheless, I doubt Perry would’ve done this if he wasn’t floundering in the polls.”

    Floundering? He’s sounding.

  3. Christopher says:

    I am glad to see candidates and politicians take a clear stand concerning the family. The family is under assault and is declining because of situation ethics, moral relativism, and modernist culture that says we can make up our own rules, that there are no laws, commandments, or absolutes. Look at the results: an epidemic of violent assaults on women and children, sky rocketing divorce rates, and sex scandals unlimited. Infidelity and adultery among the leaders of this country is no longer condemned. The anything goes mindset of our culture is destroying this country. Even churches no longer speak out against this.

  4. Rick Almeida says:


    Look at the results: an epidemic of violent assaults on women and children, sky rocketing divorce rates…”

    All highest in the South and lowest in New England. Score 2 for the good guys.

  5. legion says:

    Well, have any GOP candidates refused to sign it so far? Clearly that would be the more newsworthy occurrence…

  6. Ernieyeball says:

    @Christopher: “…sky rocketing divorce rates…”
    So I guess Ronnie and Newt got divorced before that rocket blasted off…when it was OK?

  7. sam says:

    @Rick Almeida:

    Beat me to it.

  8. MarkedMan says:

    @Rick Almeida: And not just slightly higher in the South. The worst states for divorce rates, i.e. the bible belt, have rates that are double and triple the states with the lowest measures, i.e. the sinful northeast. Just to add fuel to the fire, the South also has the highest rates of teen and out of wedlock birth, worst schools, the worst environmental records and, well the list goes on. I am beyond tired of the Republican party as a body dripping contempt for the policies that actually solve or mitigate problems, and whose champions are a bunch of losers from a region of the country where elected leaders shoot holes in the bottom of the boat because they can’t stand seeing the other guy dry.

  9. MM says:

    Divorce rates peaked in 1981 and have fallen since. (Source)

    It appears that incidents of rape peaked around the same time (Source)

    Christopher is either misinformed or a liar.

  10. Herb says:

    “Its preamble asserted that African-American children, who were born into slavery, were better off than today’s black children. The group later removed that language.”

    Say what?

    That’s exactly why I don’t want Republicans in government determining a national standard of “family values.” My family’s values are, well, different.

  11. Fiona says:

    Christopher probably spends a lot of time watching Fox News. Yet another study came out yesterday showing that Fox News viewers know less about current events than people who don’t watch the news on TV. Shocking, I know.

  12. @Christopher: Christopher — you do know in gay-marrying, secular embracing Massachusetts, divorce rates, assault rates, rape rates are all significantly below national averages.

    God fearing Alabama is signifcantly above national crime rates, same with Tennessee…

    On divorce:

    Regionally, the South, which includes Oklahoma, ranked the highest among the nation’s four regions, with a divorce rate of 10.2 per 1,000 for men and 11.1 for women. The northeast had the lowest divorce rate.

    Maybe, just maybe there is a different causal mechanism for familial stress than Bible thumping or lack thereof, as it seems the non-Bible thumping regions manage familial stress much better than the overtly religious in the public sphere segments of our country….