Cam Edwards has a theory:

[I]n the Bush administration, scandals start out big and end up small (or non-existent). In the Clinton administration it was the opposite. Scandals started out small and ended up big.

If we have such a liberal media… why is this the case?

If you believe in Occam’s Razor (and I do) the answer is simple: there’s really nothing scandalous at all about the Bush administration.

I came upon it last night and meant to write something about it but still am not quite sure what. I’ll leave it at: Interesting.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor and Department Head of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Cam says:

    At least I got “interesting” instead of “not so much”. πŸ™‚

  2. dondo says:

    If we have such a liberal media… why is this the case?

    If you believe in Occam’s Razor (and I do) the answer is simple: there’s really nothing scandalous at all about the Bush administration.

    As do I. So which is simpler — that there’s really nothing scandalous, or that the media really isn’t liberal?

    The data offered supports either conclusion equally.


  3. McGehee says:

    Cam should have written “liberal news media” — that way the data offered would support only one conclusion.

  4. Paul says:

    The fact the media is liberal really is no longer up for debate. It has been well documented both anecdotally and numerically.

    But that does not matter to this discussion.

    The media is downright hostile to the Bush administration repeatedly. (don’t make me make you a laundry list πŸ˜‰ If they thought they had something on him they would go for the kill.

    How many times have we heard some goofy pundit say “Oh- This is much bigger than Watergate” about a 3 day story?

    The fact these scandals evaporate speaks volumes about their credibility in the first place.

  5. RicK DeMent says:

    The fact the media is liberal really is no longer up for debate. It has been well documented both anecdotally and numerically.

    Well looks like they have you snowed. Don’t read much do you?

  6. Paul says:

    No Rick, that’s the problem. I do.

  7. Cam says:

    You’re right McGehee… liberal “news” media would have been much more accurate. Then again, I might not have 30 some odd comments in my original thread. πŸ™‚