Germans Restrict Cooperation With The U.S. On Intelligence

Largely in reaction to revelations about N,S.A. surveillance, Germany has cut back on its intelligence cooperation with the United States.

Stewart’s Guardian Interview

Some observations about Stewart’s interview (and some digression from me–okay, a lot of digression by me).

George W. Bush Gets CIA Award

President George W. Bush had a running battle with the CIA throughout his eight years in office. Now, they’ve given him an award.

Republican Congressional Leaders Skipping Selma Anniversary

Another tone deaf action from leading Republicans.

Ben Carson: Prison Sex Proves Being Gay Is A Choice

Ben Carson is inching closer to running for President, and he’s continuing to pander to the most extreme elements of the Republican Party.

Obama To Seek Authorization For A War That He Already Started

President Obama will ask Congress to authorize a war he started six months ago.

Why Congress is AWOL on National Security Policy

Has the legislative branch abdicated its responsibility in US foreign policy?

Obama’s Absence From Paris Rally: Egregious Diplomatic Error, Or Much Ado About Nothing?

Some are criticizing the President for not going to Paris for yesterday’s rally.

Charlie Hebdo Suspects Dead After Dual Standoffs

The men responsible for the Charlie Hebdo massacre are dead, but the problems for France, and the rest of Europe, may just be at the beginning.

Sony To Allow Limited Screenings of The Interview

Reversing a previous decision, Sony will allow The Interview to be screened in a small number of theaters.

Did 24 Help Make Torture Acceptable?

In the wake of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on C.I.A. torture, some have suggested that eight years of Jack Bauer helped make torture more acceptable to the American public.

F.B.I. Charges North Korea With Being Behind Hacking Attacks On Sony

The U.S. Government has formally charged North Korea with responsibility for the hacking attack on Sony. How to respond to that attack is a more complicated question.

Iraq And Afghanistan Wars Cost $3 Trillion

The costs of more than a decade of war are far higher than many ever thought, and we’re still paying the price for the fiscal irresponsibility of the Bush Administration while they were being fought.

Sony Hacking Scandal Elevates To Threats Of Terrorism If Film Is Released

Hackers who have divulged embarrassing secrets from deep within Sony Pictures are now threatening violence if a film about a plot to kill Kim Jong Un is released.

Sowell Deploys a TTBS

Sydney Hostage Taker Man Haron Monis: Lone Wolf Terrorist, Or Lone Nut? Does It Matter?

Was Man Haron Monis a terrorist, or just a lone nut who had latched on to the rhetoric of ISIS to justify his own delusions? In the end, it hardly matters.

The Amorality Of Dick Cheney And The Right In Response To The Truth About C.I.A. Torture

Vice-President Cheney’s amoral defense of torture has come to define how most conservatives view the issue, and that’s a problem.

Torture Report’s Long Shadow

What now?

America’s 500th Drone Strike

The shocking has become routine. We’re no safer because of it.

House Intelligence Committee Benghazi Report Debunks Benghazi Conspiracy Theories

The House Intelligence Committee has concluded that the conspiracy theories regarding the 9/11/2012 attack in Benghazi are not supported by the evidence. That’s unlikely to change anyone’s mind, though.

Most PATRIOT Act ‘Sneak And Peek’ Warrants Used In War On Drugs, Not War On Terror

Not surprisingly, a law passed in the wake of the September 11th attacks has been used mostly for things that have nothing to do with terrorism.

Do We Need A Bigger House Of Representatives?

Would increasing the size of the House of Representatives be the cure for what ails Congress?

Rand Paul’s Foreign Policy Ideas Present An Opportunity For the GOP

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul continues to challenge Republican orthodoxy on foreign policy, and that’s a good thing.

Pat Roberts Engages In Gitmo Fearmongering To Win Re-Election

Facing a tough re-election battle, Kansas Senator Pat Roberts is engaging in abject fearrmongering.

The Attack On Canada’s Parliament And The Lone Wolf Terrorist

Yesterday’s apparent terrorist shooting in Ottawa reveals again a phenomenon that seems difficult if not impossible to stop in advance.

America’s Disgruntled Civil Servants

America’s federal workforce is increasingly disenchanted.

Obama: “They” Underestimated ISIS

Apparently, the buck doesn’t stop in the Oval Office these days.

‘Khorasan Group’ is US Creation; It’s Still Dangerous

The Khorasan Group is, functionally, al Qaeda. Or is it?

Weekly Standard Columnist Ends Up On TSA Watch List For No Rational Reason

The TSA is up to its usual shenanigans.

Software Patents are Crumbling

The courts have been striking them down at a dizzying pace since June.

Obama’s Flimsy Legal Case For War

The Obama Administration’s legal justification for war against ISIS is laughably flimsy.

Before We Go To War Against ISIS, We Need To Answer Some Questions

If the President is going to increase American involvement in the Middle East, he needs to address some fundamental questions first.

Has Obama Institutionalized Bush’s Worst?

Dan Froomkin says Obama is as bad as Bush, if not worse.

Joan Rivers Dies At 81

Public Trust In Government Hits New Lows

Americans have become deeply cynical about government. To some extent that is a good thing, but it’s reaching unhealthy levels.

Bill Clinton On Eve Of 9/11: I Passed On Killing Bin Laden Because Civilians Would Have Died

Some words from the past, apparently uttered mere hours before the world changed forever.

US No Safer Than on 9/11 Says DIA Chief

LTG Michael Flynn says the United States is no safer after 13 years of war

Majority Of Republicans Support Obama’s Impeachment

A lot of Republicans dislike the President enough to think that he should be removed from office, but will that make impeachment more likely to happen?

All of America’s Secrets on Amazon Cloud

The US intelligence community is gambling that it can be more efficient through a public-private partnership than going it alone.

Yes, We Spy On Germany. Big Deal.

There’s a new round of allegations about American spying on Germany.

Law Enforcement or War? Both!

My latest collaboration with Butch Bracknell, “Ahmed Abu Khattala and the Miranda-Rights Question,” has posted in The National Interest.

Americans Have Almost Totally Lost Faith In Government

Public faith in government institutions is at all all time low.

It’s Still Ad Hominem If They’re Neocons

My latest for The National Interest, “Neoconservatives, the Iraq Debate and Ad Hominem Attacks,” has posted.