ObamaCare Goes Before The Supreme Court: A Preview

Starting tomorrow morning, the Supreme Court dives into the most significant case that has been before it in many years.

Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Looking A Lot Like Ron Paul 2008 Campaign

Despite how it many have seemed in January, Ron Paul’s 2012 Presidential effort is ending just about the same way his 2008 effort did.

Mitt Romney Is Not Running Out of Money

An odd meme’s developing that Mitt Romney’s campaign is in financial trouble.

Sour Grape Politics

Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC Joke’s On Him

Virtually everything Stephen Colbert is doing was legal before Citizens United.

Time For Real Campaign Finance Reform

Mitt Romney made a suggestion about how to fix our campaign finance system. It’s a good idea.

Citizens United And The Foolish Attack On Corporate Personhood

A new set of proposed Constitutional Amendments reveals that many people still don’t understand what Citizens United was about.

Supreme Court To Hear Appeal On Constitutionality Of ObamaCare

The Supreme Court will decide on the Constitutionality of the President’s health care law by June 2012.

Herman Cain Flunks The Commander In Chief Test

Last night, Herman Cain established that he simply isn’t prepared to be Commander in Chief.

Herman Cain Campaign: Mark Block Won’t Be Fired

Herman Cain’s bizarre loyalty to his Campaign Director is one of the reasons he is unfit to be President.

Does Herman Cain Also Have A Campaign Finance Problem?

Another potential problem for the Cain campaign.

Is A Politician Who “Flip-Flops” Really A Bad Thing?

Mitt Romney is still being dogged by charges of changed positions. Now, he’s trying to spin that as a good thing.

Mitt Romney: The Inevitable Nominee?

Despite all the negatives going against him, Mitt Romney may yet be the inevitable Republican nominee.

Hyatt Turns Heat Lamps on Strikers

Workers picketing a Chicago Hyatt hotel yesterday got an unpleasant surprise: Heat lamps.

Obama White House Fundraising Video a Crime?

Where is the line on using the White House to further the president’s re-election effort?

Obama: Big Donors and Grassroots Supporters

The Obama campaign is stressing that 98 percent of its donations were from little guys contributing $250 or less. But 40 percent of the money came from a handful of major donors.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Parts Of Arizona Campaign Finance Law

Another major campaign finance case from the Supreme Court.

U.S. v. John Edwards: Both Sides Are Rolling The Dice

Both sides in the John Edwards case are heading into uncharted territory.

John Edwards’ $400 Haircut Led to Indictment

By now, everyone knows that John Edwards was indicted on campaign finance law violations stemming from the cover-up of the Rielle Hunter love child scandal. Most, too, recall the brouhaha over Edwards’ $400 haircuts. As it turns out, they’re at least tangentially related.

Judge Strikes Down Ban on Corporate Giving

The next shoe has dropped in the battle between campaign finance laws and the 1st Amendment.

Colbert Super PAC, Citizens United, and Silly Election Laws

Stephen Colbert has been running an ongoing shtick in which he’s trying to start a political action committee, gets letters from his Viacom bosses poo-pooing the idea, and then inviting his lawyer on to explain ways to get around these concerns.

Campaign Donation Disclosure and Incumbent Backlash

Public disclosure of campaign contributions makes it easier for incumbents to pressure backers of their opponent.

Quorum Rules

A commenter asks, “Why does Wisconsin have a quorum rule if not for situations like this?”

House Moves to End Public Financing of Presidential Campaigns

The House has voted to repeal the broken system of financing presidential elections.

Christine O’Donnell Under Criminal Probe For Campaign Spending

Three months after the allegations were first made. the FEC has opened a criminal investigation of Tea Party Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell

DeLay Guilty . . . Of What, Exactly?

Tom DeLay is a sleazebag and has been found guilty by an Austin jury for skirting the law. But it may in fact be a miscarriage of justice despite the victim being as unsympathetic as it gets.

Bush’s Apologia Should Not Be Accepted

Former Congressman Bob Barr argues that the right should not be so eager to rehabilitate George W. Bush. He’s right.

Tea Party = Racism?

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson takes a look at the Tea Party movement and claims to find racism.

Democrats Outspend Republicans $119 Million to $79 Million

After months of media reporting on the Republican advantage in outside spending, NYT reports that Democrats retain a sizable advantage at the campaign level.

Justice Alito Won’t Attend Next State Of The Union

Justice Alito said recently he won’t be attending the next State of the Union address. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Citizens United, More Myth Than Legend

Citizens United really wasn’t that big a deal.

O’Donnell Uses Palin Playbook

Like Sarah Palin, Christine O’Donnell is no fan of the press.

Christine O’Donnell Continues To Dodge Questions About Campaign Spending

While she continues basking in the glory of her surprise victory, Christine O’Donnell is still dodging questions about potentially serious violations of the law.

2010 vs 1994 Revisited

32 Democratic incumbents are running even or behind their Republican challengers in one or more public or private polls. At this point in 2006, when Republicans lost control of Congress, only 11 GOP incumbents were running even or behind.

Senate Tables DISCLOSE Act, For Now

Thanks to a united Republican Caucus, the Senate failed to take up a deeply flawed campaign finance “reform” bill.

Joe Biden Fined $219K for Campaign Violations

Biden got hammered by the FEC for violating campaign finance rules. A big fining deal?

The Beginnings Of Palin 2012

Sarah Palin’s Political Action Committee is starting to look more and more like the beginnings of a run for the White House.