Trump Administration Claims It Needs No Legal Authorization To Keep Troops In Syria

Continuing a long-standard tradition, the Trump Administration claims it doesn’t need to get legal authorization to keep American troops in Syria.

Some Thoughts on Russian Interference in US Elections

A few key observations on the bigger picture.

Bipartisan Group Of Senators Proposes A DACA Fix, But Its Fate Is Unclear

A bipartisan group of Senators has proposed a largely reasonable fix to the DACA problem, but its fate remains unclear.

Prospects For A DACA Deal Still Not Looking Good

Congress seems no closer to a DACA deal than they were in January.

Congress Needs To Act In Response To Trump’s Illegal War In Syria

With the Administration set to commit the United States to a forever war in Syria, it’s time for Congress to act.

Police Killing People with Drones

The Dallas shooting spree ended with police killing the perpetrator with a drone. I’m okay with that.

Donald Trump Insinuates President Obama Identifies With Terrorists

Donald Trump has insinuated that President Obama is not fighting the War On Terror aggressively because he somehow identifies with terrorists.

United States Putting ‘Advisers’ On The Front Lines In Nigeria’s War Against Boko Haram

The U.S. is poised to send troops to the front lines of yet another war we have no reason to be involved in.

Would Subjecting Women To The Draft Make War Less Likely? Of Course Not

It’s been suggested that subjecting women to a possible draft would make leaders less likely to go to war. Unfortunately, there’s no reason to believe this is true.

U.S. And Russia Reach Deal On Syrian Airspace

The U.S. and Russia have reached a much-needed deal to avoid inadvertent confrontations over the skies of Syria.

U.S. To Halt Withdrawal Of Forces From Afghanistan

The plan to withdraw nearly all American forces from Afghanistan by the end of 2016 is being put on hold.

Obama Considering Plan To Keep U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Past 2016

President Obama is reportedly considering a plan that would keep up to 5,000 American troops in Afghanistan past the withdrawal date he had already set.

Obama’s Rhetoric On The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Needlessly Confrontational

President Obama’s confrontational approach to opponents of the Iran Nuclear Deal ignores legitimate questions.

Lindsey Graham Wants To Kill Americans Without Inconvenience of Trial

Lindsey Graham says that, if elected president, he would summarily kill anyone thinking about joining ISIS.

Marco Rubio’s Supposed Expertise On Foreign Policy Leaves Much To Be Desired

Marco Rubio is often described as one of the GOP’s leaders on foreign policy, but a close look reveals a decided lack of substance.


Most in the international relations community are not amused by the president’s National Security Strategy.

Russia’s Economic Problems Just Getting More Grim By The Day

For a year that started out with regaining long-lost territory in Ukraine, 2014 is not ending so well for Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

America’s 500th Drone Strike

The shocking has become routine. We’re no safer because of it.

Quietly, Obama Decides American Forces Will Continue To Engage In Combat In Afghanistan After 2014

You thought the American combat role in Afghanistan would end on December 31st? Think again.

CIA Director Proposes Radical Reorganization

The CIA has always separated its core spying and analysis functions; that may soon change.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Burning Man Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Pentagon Says Obama’s War Against ISIS Likely To Last Years

The war against ISIS continues to silently escalate, with little input from the people’s representatives in Congress.

U.S. Launches Airstrikes Against ISIS In Syria

President Obama has opened a new front in his “war” against ISIS

Has Obama Institutionalized Bush’s Worst?

Dan Froomkin says Obama is as bad as Bush, if not worse.

Russia Getting Ready To Escalate In Ukraine?

Things are getting serious in eastern Ukraine.

Americans Have Lost Confidence In President Obama On Foreign Policy

The evidence is clear. When it comes to the ability to handle foreign crises, the President has lost the public’s confidence.

As Militants Advance, Iraqis Look To U.S. For Help

The Iraqi government seems to be panicking.

Ideological Purism Is Making American Politics Stupid

The latest chapter in an all too familiar story.

Nigeria Delaying Search For Missing Schoolgirls

The search for more than 200 missing Nigerian schoolgirls is not going well, and part of the blame lies with the Nigerian government.

What, If Anything, Should The United States Do About Those Nigerian Schoolgirls?

Not every tragedy can be resolved with a military response.

Obama’s Kill Rules Keeping Obama From Killing

President Obama’s new rules for killing Americans with drones are proving inconvenient.

Medal Fatigue

The US military needs to cull and standardize its bloated award system.

The Best Super Bowl Commercial Ever

Apple’s “1984” Super Bowl commercial ran only once, but it remains in a class by itself.

Violence In Iraq Is Not Obama’s Fault, And The Future Of Iraq Is Not Our Responsibility

The Iraqis need to learn to govern themselves, and conservatives blaming President Obama for renewed violence need a history lesson.

Time To Welcome Our Amazon Delivery Drone Overlords?

Jeff Bezos’s latest idea may never get off the ground, but it sure is interesting.

9/11 And The Never-Ending War

The world changed significantly twelve years ago today. Will it ever change back even a little bit?

Obama’s Hamlet Act

The president’s public dithering on Syria is drawing jeers from friend and foe alike.

Yemen Wants Its Own Drones

A headline I never thought I’d see: “Yemen Asks U.S. For Drones To Fight Al Qaeda”

Air Force Can’t Find Drone Pilot Volunteers

The Air Force can’t find enough people to volunteer to fly remote controlled planes.