Presidential Motorcade DC Presidential Motorcade DC

Presidential Motorcades, Street Closures, and the Little People

The most congested part of DC was shut down at the most inconvenient time possible last evening so that President Obama could attend a partisan political event. It’s a routine outrage.

Poll: Just 38% Think Obama Deserves To Be Re-Elected

If the 2012 election were held today, President Obama would be in serious trouble. Luckily for him, he has two years to go.

Democrats “Major Announcement” Turns Out To Be Cheesy New Logo

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine thinks all his party’s problems will be solved with this new web site. Yea, that’s the problem you guys have this year, bad web design.

Three Felonies a Day

Is it “impossible for men to live without breaking laws”?

New Guest Writer

Beltway Traffic Jam