Clinton To Testify Before House Benghazi Committee October 22nd

Get ready for another pointless political circus.

Katherine Archuleta OPM political hack Katherine Archuleta OPM political hack

Political Hack Resigns As OPM Director

The unqualified hack who led OPM while China stole 21 million sensitive personnel files has finally resigned.

With Hours Left, The Fate Of The PATRIOT Act Remains Uncertain

The Senate returns tomorrow to try to pass an extension of the PATRIOT Act before it expires, but it may not be able to do so.

First Batch Of Hillary Clinton Benghazi Emails Reveals No Smoking Guns

The first batch of email from Hillary Clinton regarding the 2012 attack in Benghazi have been released, and they don’t reveal anything we didn’t already know.

Senate Fails To Pass PATRIOT Act Renewal

The Senate went home last night without passing a bill to renew the PATRIOT Act, which expires at the end of the month.

House Passes Bill To Restrict N.S.A. Data Mining

The House has passed a bill that would place real restrictions on the National Security Agency’s data mining program. Now, it moves to the Senate.

House Benghazi Investigation Seems More Concerned With 2016 Than Investigating Anything

Not surprisingly, the House Committee re-investigating the Benghazi attack seems more concerned with scoring political points than fact-finding.

House Benghazi Committee Won’t Release A Report Until 2016

Not surprisingly, the Select Committee established by House Republicans to investigate something that has already been investigated multiple times, will be in operation well into the Presidential Election season.

House Intelligence Committee Benghazi Report Debunks Benghazi Conspiracy Theories

The House Intelligence Committee has concluded that the conspiracy theories regarding the 9/11/2012 attack in Benghazi are not supported by the evidence. That’s unlikely to change anyone’s mind, though.

Michigan’s Justin Amash Defeats Establishment Backed Challenger

Despite a high profile effort to oust him, the most prominent libertarian Republican in Congress survived his primary challenge yesterday.

New York Times: Time To Grant Clemency to Edward Snowden

The “paper of record” joins the call for some kind of deal with Edward Snowden.

When Is A Coup Not A Coup?

Words don’t always mean what you think they mean.

Was Obama’s Syrian “Red Line” A Mistake?

President Obama may regret drawing a line in the sand over Syrian chemical weapons.

There’s Nothing Wrong With The Fact That Tsarnaev Was Mirandized On Monday

Some on the right are complaining that Dzhokar Tsarnaev was read his Mranda rights too soon.

Petraeus Debunks Petraeus Conspiracy Theories

People continue to spread conspiracy theories explaining the “real reason” that David Petraeus’s extra-marital affair became public.

The Petraeus Scandal And The Surveillance State

If nothing else, the Petraeus affair is teaching us a valuable lesson in just how extensive the Surveillance State has become.

Michele Bachmann’s McCarthyite Crusade Against Huma Abedin And Other Muslims

Michele Bachmann and several other Members of Congress are engaging in the despicable tactics of Joe McCarthy.

The Death Of Kim Jong-il: Intelligence Failures And What Comes Next

How can we know what happens next in North Korea when we didn’t even know Kim Jong-il had died?

Report: Hosni Mubarak To Step Down Today

Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak is expected to step down after 17 days of pro-democracy protests.

Jane Harman Leaving Congress for Wilson Center Presidency

Rep. Jane Harman is leaving Congress to become president of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

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