Why Romney?

Why I supported Mitt Romney despite his constant flip-flopping, fibbing, and fecklessness.

“New Black Panther Party” Panic Returns

It’s time to panic over anonymous guys in Philadelphia again, at least if you work at Fox News Channel.

Dixville Notch Tie: Obama 5, Romney 5

In a silly quadrennial tradition, the residents of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire voted at midnight. It was a tie.

Romney In OH And PA On Election Day: Sign Of Confidence, Or Desperation?

The Romney campaign doesn’t seem too confident of its path to victory.

Republicans, The Latino Vote, And Immigration

Republicans are going to get trounced among Latino voters tomorrow, and they only have themselves to blame.

Romney Has An Advantage Among Independents

Mitt Romney has an advantage among self-identified Independents that makes writing him off at this point inadvisable.

Obama Claims Sequestration Cuts “Won’t Happen”

President Obama seems to have given away the store when it comes to the defense sequestration cuts.

Gender Gap: Gone Yet at Record High

A recent poll has Obama and Romney tied among women. Another gives Obama a 33 point edge.

Does Anyone Really Care About Newspaper Endorsements?

Newspaper endorsements are getting a lot of attention in the closing days of the campaign, but do they really matter?

Obama’s Gas Prices

A sign at a local Exxon station seemingly blames high gasoline prices on Barack Obama.

Do Presidential Debates Even Matter?

There’s little evidence that Presidential debates can be game changers.

The Problem is Less Romney and More GOP

Don’t hate the player, hate the game (more or less, anyway).

Pessimism On Team Romney

There are signs that some Romney supporters have already decided their candidate is going to lose.

Both Campaigns Playing The Debate Expectations Game

Both campaigns are trying to set the stage for Wednesday’s debate.

Is ‘Benghazigate’ Hurting Obama?

Questions about why the Obama administration pretended the attacks on our Embassy in Libya were a spontaneous reaction to a video rather than a coordinated terrorist attack are gaining steam.

Romney’s Supporters Want Him To Go For Obama’s Jugular

Just as we saw in 2008, the conservative base doesn’t want to hear their nominee saying that the President is a basically decent man.

CNN Taking Fire For Using Slain Ambassador’s Journal As News Source

Good journalism? Or, bad ethics?

What Happens To The GOP If Romney Loses?

Some Republicans are beginning to ponder what might happen to their party if Mitt Romney loses in 2012.

Shocking Audio From 1998 Reveals Barack Obama Is A Democrat

Republicans think they found the smoking gun of the 2012 election. They’re kidding themselves.

The Convention Bounce Is Apparently Over, But Obama Still Leads

The President’s poll lead has shrunk, but there are still signs of trouble for Mitt Romney.

Obama Leads In Three Crucial Swing States

Three new state polls show that Mitt Romney’s path to victory continues to narrow.

Mitt Romney’s Ridiculous “God” Attack On Obama And The Democrats

Over the weekend, Mitt Romney was sounding more like Rick Santorum than himself.

Obama’s Convention Bounce Becoming More Apparent

If the first round of post-convention polling is correct, President Obama may be pulling away from Mitt Romney.

Would Obama’s Re-Election End Polarization And Gridlock In Washington?

The President and his supporters say that Congressional Republicans will temper their rhetoric in a second Obama term. Don’t count on it.

Clint Eastwood Channels James Stockdale

After three days of buildup to a “mystery speaker,” the closing night of the Republican convention featured a rambling performance by Clint Eastwood and an empty chair.

GOP Foreign Policy Positions Expose Their Claim To Be A Party Of Limited Government As A Lie

The GOP claims to be a party that favors limited government, but its foreign policy positions reveal this to be little more than a lie.

Condoleeza Rice, New Political Star?

Condoleeza Rice’s first trip onto the political stage was very successful last night. Where will she go from here?

Foolishly, Republicans Open Attack On Obama On Foreign Policy

Today’s convention activities will include the opening salvos of an attack on the President’s foreign policy. This strikes me as a mistake.

The GOP Platform’s Abortion Plank Could’ve Been Written By Todd Akin

The GOP Platform will include an abortion plank that Todd Akin would love.