The Afghan Surge Was A Failure

The Afghan Surge announced by President Obama in December 2009 is over. By any objective measurement, it was a failure.

Was Mitt Romney The Best Candidate The GOP Had This Year?

Whether Republicans like it or not, Mitt Romney was the best candidate they had in 2012.

Romney Campaign: Embassy Protests Wouldn’t Be Happening If Mitt Was President

The Romney campaign is doubling down on bizarre foreign policy pronouncements.

Is The GOP Suckering Fiscal Conservatives All Over Again?

Do fiscal conservatives realize they’re being sold a bill of goods?

Kevin Drum’s 10th Blogiversary

The erstwhile CalPundit starts his second decade strong as ever.

The Nastiest Campaign Ever? Or Just The Pettiest?

Maybe the real problem this year isn’t that the campaign is unduly nasty, but that it’s incredibly petty.

American Politics May Be Nasty But They Started It

At some point, however, using the bad actions of the past to justify worse actions in the present has to stop.

Paul Ryan Polling Worse Than Sarah Palin?

If a new Gallup poll is any indication, Paul Ryan was not a great pick.

Harry Reid Should Be Condemned, Not Lauded

Harry Reid is a scoundrel, not a hero.

Inkblot, RIP

Inkblot, MIA

Kevin Drum has been writing about his cat, Inkblot, most every Friday for the last decade. Sadly, he’s been missing since Tuesday night.

The Anglo-Saxon Outrage Of The Day

Two words spoken by a Romney aide have led to a ridiculous firestorm on the right, while the rest of their comments are being ignored.

Mitt Romney Is Letting Obama’s Bain Attacks Define Him, To His Detriment

By failing to respond adequately, Mitt Romney is letting his opponent define him for the voters. That could hurt him greatly in November.

Whatever It Is, It’s Not Journalism

Reporters covering the 2012 election are letting the campaigns control what they report to a disturbing degree.

Yes, The GOP Can, And Likely Will, Repeal ObamaCare in 2013 If They Win In November

If the GOP wins in November, there will be very few actual barriers in the way if they really want to repeal the PPACA.

In Advance Of ObamaCare Ruling, The Attacks On The Supreme Court Begin

We don’t know what the Supreme Court will have to say about the Affordable Care Act, but their decision is already being attacked.

Mitt Romney Has Some Very Disturbing Opinions On Presidential War Powers

Mitt Romney believes he could take America to war without Congressional involvement.

Lying and Political Campaigns

The Republican nominee gets some backhanded praise from an unlikely source, MoJo blogger Kevin Drum.

Joe Biden Appears To Back Gay Marriage, White House Walks it Back

Did Joe Biden misspeak, or drop a hint that he shouldn’t have?

Parties Play to Win the Game

Parties are in politics primarily to win the vote of the median voter, not to join together and sing Kumbaya.

Once Again, The United States Has Not Abandoned Space Exploration

The arrival of Discovery in Washington D.C. has led to another lament about “national greatness.”

Romney, Reagan, and Republican Fairy Tales Redux

There are all manner of myths that are held by supporters of both parties. Debunking them is not the role for presidential aspirants.

The Greatest Star Wars Movie?

Was Return Of The Jedi the best of all the Star Wars films? One writer thinks so.

No, Republicans Wouldn’t Eliminate The Filibuster

Worried the GOP might eliminate the filibuster if they gain control of the Senate? Don’t be.

ObamaCare, The Catholic Church, And Religious Liberty

Requiring a religious institution to comply with civilian laws is not a violation of religious liberty.

Weak Presidential Field. Again.

Why are all the candidates for president so awful?


Let’s ban robocalls.

Despite Congressional Reprieve, The Old Incandescent Light Bulb Is Still Dead

Welcome technological change, or crony capitalism?

Ron Paul Won’t Be The Nominee, Much Less President

Ron Paul is surging in Iowa. He’s in 3rd place in the national polls and has been for most of the race. He’s not Mitt Romney.

It’s Not Debtor’s Prison, It’s Contempt Of Court

Do American courts throw people in jail for failing to pay their debts? No, they don’t.

The Truth About The Coming “Cuts” To Defense Spending

Don’t believe the fear mongering about the coming decreases in the growth of defense spending.

Romney Ad Misquotes Obama on Economy

Mitt Romney’s first television ad is built around a Barack Obama quote that has been cropped so that he’s saying the opposite of what he actually said.

What If the ObamaCare Mandate Goes Away?

Will we wind up with a backdoor mandate? Or a single payer system?

Occupy Wall Street On The Verge Of Fizzling Out?

As the season changes, the Occupy Wall Street movement seems destined to peter out.

What If The Economy Never Really Gets Better?

The prospects for real economic recovery are not good.