Rachel Dolezal Resigns As Head Of Spokane N.A.A.C.P.

This should be the end of this story, but it probably won’t be.

New York Teachers’ Exam Ruled Racially Biased

Being required to demonstrate competency in liberal arts to teach is racially discriminatory, a federal judge has ruled.

Fear and Paranoia in Academia

I have been reading, mostly in passing, a number of pieces about an alleged new climate on college campuses in which students are raising significant complaints due to difficult or emotionally sensitive material. The latest example did not impress me.

Marco Rubio Thinks That Gay Marriage Is A Threat To ‘Religious Liberty’

Marco Rubio seems to be in lockstep with the extreme social conservatives when it comes to same-sex marriage.

40-Hour Week An Anachronism

Most managers work beyond 9-to-5.

Same-Sex Marriage Gets Its Day At The Supreme Court

A sharply divided Court heard argument today on an issue that has sharply divided the nation.

The Bright Side of RFRA

We’re down to debating whether bigots should have to sell cakes to gay people.

Barely Trained Teachers Just As Good as Education Majors

Teach For America novices compare favorably to veteran teachers.

Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek’s Spock, Dead at 83

Leonard Nimoy, the actor who became a household name as Mr. Spock with the “Star Trek” television series and movies, has died at 83.

The Domestic Side of National Security

Another commentary on the National Security Strategy, this one at The Hill.

Andrew Sullivan Calling it Quits

Andrew Sullivan has “decided to stop blogging in the near future.”

Iraq And Afghanistan Wars Cost $3 Trillion

The costs of more than a decade of war are far higher than many ever thought, and we’re still paying the price for the fiscal irresponsibility of the Bush Administration while they were being fought.

Hate Speech and Academic Freedom

Should a professor who says she “hates Republicans” keep her job?

Polygraph Critic Charged with Training People to Thwart Polygraphs

A 69-year-old former polygraph examiner for the Oklahoma City police department has been indicted for coaching people to thwart the machines.

American Cardinal Critical Of Pope Francis Demoted

Vatican politics is older than American politics, and can be just as entertaining.

Military No Longer Republican Bastion

Always as many military personnel identify as Independents as with the GOP.

Pope Francis’s Remarks On The Big Bang Are Nothing New For The Catholic Church

Pope Francis restates something the Catholic Church has taught for a long time and, again, the American media thinks its something new and revolutionary.

Noncompetitive House Elections

My ongoing crusade to spark thought and discussion on the quality of representation in the US Congress.

Why Top Students Are Being Rejected by In-State Colleges

Their places are being filled by students who pay higher tuition rates.

Oklahoma Beheading Linked to Islam

A fired Oklahoma worker beheaded a woman and was attacking another when he was shot. Workplace violence? Or terrorism.

Professor-Cop Blames Victims of Police Violence

17-year veteran of the LAPD says, “If you don’t want to get hurt, don’t challenge me.”

Today in Circular Reasoning

Back to the Ten Commandments and Alabama politics.

Watergate Forty Years Later

Even with the passage of time, Watergate remains a singularly important event in American history

Why Americans Stink at Math


Iran’s Nuclear Program And The Incentives Created By U.S. Policy

George Will has come under criticism for pointing out what seems to be an undeniable fact.

Louisiana May Jail A Catholic Priest For Refusing To Break The Seal Of Confession

A case out of Louisiana raises serious First Amendment issues.

Blogs Are Dead, Long Live Blogging

As the medium matures, something important is being lost.

British Ban Teaching Creationism As Science, Should The U.S. Do The Same?

It is now illegal to teach creationism as science in the United Kingdom in any school, public or private, that receives public funding.

Bill Gates: The Most Powerful Man in America?

How the richest man in the world quickly changed the education curriculum in 45 states.

Bill Watterson Returns

Bill Watterson, the man who drew the legendary “Calvin and Hobbes” strip, was back. And now he’s gone again.

Supreme Court Quietly Revises Opinions With Little Notice To The Public

The Supreme Court, subject to revision.

Pennsylvania Will Not Appeal Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

And Pennsylvania makes it 19.

Decline of American Social Institutions

The unequal distribution of social capital may be more important than the unequal distribution of income.

Texas High School Student Suspended For Refusing To Stand During Pledge Of Allegiance

A pretty clear violation of the First Amendment.

Faced With Lawsuits, General Motors Is Headed Back To Bankruptcy Court

General Motors is headed back to court.

Vatican Set For First Ever Canonization Of Two Popes, With Two Popes Attending

On Sunday, it’s the Day Of Four Popes.

New York Times Discovers Adjunct Professors

The editorial board of the nation’s newspaper of record laments a quarter century-old trend.

How Professors Spend Their Time

An oldie but goodie from PhD comics is making the rounds.

Unprofitable Professors Getting Fired

Being a public intellectual doesn’t pay.

Marines Roll Sleeves; Soldiers Roll Eyes

Rolling up your sleeves is hard if you’re a Marine.

HaHa Clinton-Dix Tired of Monica Lewinski Jokes

Worst part about being named HaHa Clinton-Dix? ‘The whole President Clinton thing with Monica Lewinsky’

Federal Government and Snow Days

Snow days are no longer automatic vacation days for federal workers.