An Observation/Question on the Situation in Wisconsin

Why not include police, firefighters and state troopers in the ban on collective bargaining?

The Case Against Public Sector Unions

It’s time to end the ability of public sector labor unions to hold taxpayers hostage.

Elections Have Consequences

Republicans won the right to govern Wisconsin. What does that mean for Democrats?

Wisconsin’s Hemlock Revolution

In the Middle East, protesters are marching for democracy. In the Midwest, they’re protesting against it.

Facebook Adds Gay Friendly Status Options

Facebook has come up with new settings to meet the needs of users in same-sex relationships.

Wisconsin Teacher Showdown

Neither side is covering themselves in glory in the battle over the Badger State budget.

TSA Workers Gain Right to Join Most Pointless Union Ever

TSA screeners will now have the right to join a union. Or at least a union that can’t actually negotiate much of anything.

Did Obama Plagiarize State of the Union?

Was the 2011 SOTU a blatant rip-off of past speeches? Or simply banal?

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Two

The blogging of Mark Levin’s magnum opus continues.

Filibuster Reform Appears To Be Dead

Once again, it looks like efforts to reform the Senate’s filibuster rules have fallen victim to that old devil politics.

Caption Contest Winners

The Pelosi Estates Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

New York City Snow Cleanup Hampered By Union Work Stoppage

Streets in New York City like this one on Staten Island went unplowed for days thanks to a work slowdown by sanitation workers, which raises the question of what Public Sector Unions should be allowed to do.

International Sitrep

A capsule look at the world situation as 2010 draws to a close.

The Beginning Of The End Of Social Conservatism?

The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is a sign that the political ground is shifting. Will the GOP take notice?

Judicial Activism: It’s Not Just A River In Egypt

Judicial activism doesn’t mean “reaching a decision I don’t like.”

Gary Johnson: Yea, I Inhaled. Two Years Ago, Actually.

What will Republicans think of a candidate for President who admitted to smoking marijuana as recently as two years ago?

Electronic Money Coming to a Bank Near You

Citibank is helping the US catch up to the rest of the world with free, easy wire transfers.

Obama’s Federal Pay Freeze A Sign Of Clintonian Triangulation?

Is President Obama’s Federal pay freeze a sign that he’s moving to the right, or just pointless symbolism?

Backlash at TSA Security Finally Happening?

It appears that full body scanners, operated by leering yahoos under the cover of government authority, may finally be rousing the sheep who have meekly submitted to the absurd delays and indignities that have been piled on since 9/11 and sundry botched attempts.

USPS Loses $ 8.5 Billion, Warns Of Bankruptcy

The U.S. Postal Service is warning Congress that it could run out of cash next year without a government bailout. Meaning that this is the perfect opportunity to reform an organization that has been out-of-date for a decade now.

Angle Attorney: Reid Intends to Steal Election

Sharron Angle’s attorney is charging that “Harry Reid intends to steal this election if he can’t win it outright.” She touts various “shenanigans” in a fundraising letter.

Government Unions, Not Chamber, Top Spender

The biggest outside spender in 2010 isn’t the Chamber of Commerce but the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.

Who is Publius? or, Who’s Afraid of Anonymous Political Speech?

Reason’s Meredith Bragg and Nick Gillespie have a pretty amusing rejoinder to the Obama administration’s attempts to smear the anonymous funding of television ads opposed to their agenda in a video titled “Who is Publius? or, Who’s Afraid of Anonymous Political Speech?”

Fenty Ouster A Black Tea Party

The Tea Party movement and the populist backlash against DC mayor Adrian Fenty are a sign that things are changing so fast that a lot of people simply can’t adjust.

Teachers Unions vs. Education

DC schools superintendent Michelle Rhee has radically transformed the system for the better. Naturally, the teachers unions want her gone.

Adrian Fenty Good Mayor, Bad Candidate

Affluent whites are astounded that Adrian Fenty appears about to lose his bid for re-election as DC’s mayor. But the majority black population is less than thrilled with his tenure.

President’s “Back To School Speech” Scheduled For Sept 14th

President Obama will be giving an address to schoolkids again this year. Stay tuned for the cries of “indoctrination !”

Ken Mehlman is Gay and I Don’t Care

The guy who ran George W. Bush’s campaign and the Republican National Committee has realized after only 43 years that he likes dudes.

Appeals Court Reimposes Bar On California Gay Marriage Pending Appeal

Same-sex marriages are still barred in California, but how long that lasts is in the hands of three judges on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Caption Contest Winners

The Titanic Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Federal Workers Earn Twice Private Sector Counterparts?

The average federal government employee earns twice as much as the average private sector worker. An outrage? Not so much.

Should Government Get Out Of Marriage Business?

Should we abandon the notion of civil marriage? Would doing so end the clash over homosexual unions?

Senate Tables DISCLOSE Act, For Now

Thanks to a united Republican Caucus, the Senate failed to take up a deeply flawed campaign finance “reform” bill.

Unpaid Internships Unfair, Just Like Life!

Unpaid internships aren’t education and give kids of wealthy, well connected parents even more advantages. Should we get rid of them?

Waiving the Jones Act

Should Obama waive restrictions on international shipping, as Bush did during Katrina? It’s more complicated than you may think.

Pension Outrage

Queer the Census